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- Chapter Seventy-One -
"I the toilet."

"When's the next full moon?"

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"When's the next full moon?"

"May 9th." Elladora spoke in reply to Peter, who was hunched over the desk in the dorm room, scribbling down an essay that he had to do over the holidays but just procrastinated it until the night before it was due. He had his top row of teeth sinking into his bottom lip in concentration as he dipped his quill in some ink and scribbled down another sentence on his parchment as Elladora played confusedly with a rainbow cube Remus had been fiddling with before.

After their initial greetings, they did a quick catch-up which was mainly the boys telling her about their holidays and her just listening. Sirius had moved out of the Potter's and bought his own flat, he also boasted about his new 'motorbike' whatever that was. James spoke about his troubles regarding the letter he sent to Lily having been unanswered even after everything that had happened last term and Peter told them about his day trips with his mum.

Penny had attempted to take him to the zoo but he had refused out of fear that some of them could eat rats and smell it on him, Penny had then tried to take him into town for a day but he didn't do that either. He explained how she became slightly worried and sat down with him one day, asking him what was wrong. He told them it was nothing, he just didn't feel like going out but the way he subtly bit his lip made Elladora think differently.

She hadn't gone into detail about her holidays, just telling them that she was okay. There was a moment where she was tempted to tell them about what she had done but decided against it, this could be one of her outlets of peace in the weeks to come and she couldn't afford to lose it. The boys seemed happy that she was okay, although Remus gave her a slightly wary glance when he looked up from his rainbow cube.

He noticed her staring fixatedly at it at some point and scooted up next to where she was sat on his bed, telling her what it was and how to turn it. The shock on her face when she realised that it turned made him laugh and watch with a smile as she tried to match the squares as he had told her.

"Why, Wormtail?" James looked over at him from where he had actually been reading the material for their Defence lessons in case Yaxley tried to spring anything upon him and he could impress Lily by answering the questions.

"I needed it for this essay." He replied, not looking back and fixating his eyes on his parchment as he bit his nails slightly anxiously.

"You should know the moon cycle." Sirius said, the small click of Elladora turning a side of the cube coming after his words in the beat of silence. "It's literally on the wall."

"Sorry." Peter muttered, frowning. "I wasn't looking over there. I was looking at my paper."

"Oh, you see there's a thing called a neck that turns." Sirius chuckled good-naturedly, turning his head for dramatic effect. James laughed, Remus let out a breathy chuckle and Elladora glanced over at Peter, remembering her and Remus' conversation from over the holidays.

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