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- Chapter Sixty-Six -

- Chapter Sixty-Six -"Hungry?"

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"So how did you get here?"

Remus had calmed down now, his face was still slightly red but with a cup of water brought to the door by Dobby and the covers of Elladora's bed, it had calmed down and Remus could speak clearly without hiccupping. When the house elf had brought the water, he hadn't seen Remus as Elladora met him at the door and shut it quickly. She felt bad about it but she didn't want to risk him freaking out whilst Remus was still upset.

The two of them were both sat in her bedroom, Elladora sitting cross-legged on her duvet which was covering Remus' legs as he sat up against the headboard with the now empty glass of water next to him on the bedside table. His hair was slightly messy from when Elladora had ran her brush through it, picking out little sticks or leaves that she hadn't had time to get out when she found him the previous evening.

He didn't even want to brush his hair, but Elladora wasn't having him keep his dirty hair when he was awake and well enough to clean it so she didn't hear his objections and practically had to wrestle him down so the brush could get through his hair without him wriggling around. She was sure there was even a few bits of white blossom in his hair too. Apart from the conversation before, they hadn't spoke much and now Elladora was the first to make conversation, her hands fiddling together in her lap.

The news of Hope's death had hit her a bit harder than it probably should have but she kept as strong as she could for Remus.

"It was a full moon last night and I changed in the woods like I normally do when I'm at home and it's a full moon." Remus shrugged and looked out of the bay window, the curtains of the bed had been pulled back so he could see the dark room in full. "I always knew there was a house on the other side of the woods but I didn't know who it belonged to."

"Me." She smiled at him and he managed to quirk one back at the sight of it. "Well, my parents own it but...anyway, I had no idea there were houses around here for miles. I've only been up to the Cherry Blossom tree, never past there."

"That's only about halfway." Remus tilted his head at her and she shrugged, she and Sebastian were planning to explore more but he died before they could. "I don't normally go past the large oak because I don't want to trespass somewhere near here but I guess Moony wanted to explore a little more last night."

"The large oak is my favourite." Elladora smiled, remembering the times that Squirrels had scrambled up and down it whilst she and her brother had their lunch there sometimes. "Lots of memories."

"Happy memories?"

"Depends on how you look at it, for you it could be seen as happy but not for me." She sighed and he fell silent for a second, feeling like he had said something wrong so Elladora changed the subject for his sake. "Why didn't you ask the boys to help you through it if you knew it was a full moon?"

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