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- Chapter Eighty-Three -
"For a good reason!"

- Chapter Eighty-Three - "For a good reason!"

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Elladora didn't want to get out of bed.

It was the weekend and as much as she would love to go out to Hogsmeade with her friends and sit in the Three Broomsticks with a cold glass of water in her hands and taking advantage of the coolness it would bring, there was always the Death Eater meeting to think about. She had absolutely no idea where it would be, when Yaxley would get her or where he would find her but nevertheless, it was bound to be a trying time. The only upside of the meeting is seeing Evan again and allowing him to intimidate the other young Death Eaters so they wouldn't target her like they always did, she'd scare them herself but she was too scared of the consequences punching one of them would get her.

Another boiling night had gone by, curtains pulled around the bed, little to no clothes and only a think blanket around her rather than a whole duvet. It had still been too warm for her to sleep mixed with the nerves about the meeting the next day so she stayed up reading, her wand being the only source of light she used as her fingers softly turned the pages of a book called Little Women that Remus had given her. He had the most amazing taste in literature and her admiration only grew with every book he gifted. Although she didn't appreciate the way that every book he gave her made her cry.

A tear had travelled quickly down her cheek when the death of Beth had been made clear and through her time as the second youngest March sister, Elladora had grown to love her and was sure she had felt heartbreak when her death came around. And when she had read The Great Gatsby and had cried at the ending, though the middle part was actually quite boring. Other books had scared her and made her not want to sleep because she was scared that a teenage girl named Carrie White was lurking beyond her curtains covered in blood or a guy called Jack Torrance was there with an axe; Remus had been in for it the next morning.

She remembered him telling her that the book had come out in January and it was a muggle one and she had firmly told him that if he ever brought her another book by the man Stephen King, she was going to burn it to ashes immediately.

"Wendy? Darling?" He had started to say earlier that day when the group was under the tree that they had claimed as their own (Lily and her friends now in their little circle). Elladora had stopped in the middle of her sentence when talking to Lily and had slowly glanced towards Remus and the goofy little smirk he had on his face. "Light, of my life. I'm not gonna hurt-"

"Stop!" She grabbed a Charms textbook from where someone had closed it on the floor after their studying and hit him on the shoulder with it and although she was laughing, the words sent a sickly crawling up her back from the absolute terror she had faced in reading the book. "Don't you dare!"

"All right, all right, I'll stop." He had laughed, holding his hands up in defence and snatching the Charms book off of her and putting it back to ground whilst she smiled in satisfaction and went back to her conversation with Lily now very very anxious of Remus trying to creep her out once more.

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