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- Chapter Thirty-Seven -
"Make it just Saturday and Sunday and you have yourself a deal."

Snape, Avery, Mulciber and Elladora were all sat on separated chairs in Slughorn's office

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Snape, Avery, Mulciber and Elladora were all sat on separated chairs in Slughorn's office. The man was looking between them all inquisitively whilst Professor McGonagall was stood at his side, gesturing for the boys from her house to take their places at some desks too. Once she had come across the fight, she had waved her wand and they were all away from each other at once.

Elladora reckons that the Marauders won, since Mulciber and Avery both had black eyes and some more bruises on their cheeks, the latter also had an ice pack held over his face. Whereas, James and Sirius only had one bruise each on their faces. Snape seemed a bit dizzy, since he had been running around in a circle trying to shake Elladora off of him.

Peter and Remus were both fine since they didn't really get involved with the fight, but were there are further in the ring than the rest of the students. Remus was not happy about having to be here with the two heads of houses, Peter didn't really care and just took a place at the desk next to Elladora and waited for McGonagall to lecture them.

"Fighting." She said after a moments silence, still red in the face as they all stared up at her. "I have never been so appalled with a students behaviour and it will not be tolerated."

"Fighting?" Slughorn looked shocked as he looked up at the eight students before him. "Oh, I don't think that-"

"Potter was punching Mulciber in the face, Avery was pushing Black into a wall and Miss Hargreaves was clinging onto Snape's back when I got there." Professor McGonagall said shortly, staring disapprovingly down at them all. Elladora glanced up at the witch, who simply shook her head at her, her eyes whirling with sheer disappointment.

"Oh." Slughorn muttered. "Elladora, surely you need more time to heal before doing any extra-curricular activities." He looked at her and she smiled sheepishly. Like all other people who hadn't ever seen her smile, he was taken aback slightly and smiled himself after a moment, glancing down at his papers before looking back up at the group,

"Extra-curricular?" McGonagall sputtered, turning to the man. "Your students have been fighting in the corridors." She exclaimed.

"Oh, don't fret Minerva, they're just having fun. Well, yes, uh, you'll all do detention on Friday afternoon." He cleared his throat and pointed at each of them, before reaching over to grab 4 pieces of paper, one for each of them. "That was very wrong of you to fight."

"I can't do Friday afternoon." Elladora said and frowned slightly as Professor McGonagall strode over to stand right in front of her desk.

"And why not?" The woman asked sternly. "Is your schedule so busy that you can't possibly make time for a detention that your head of house is setting you?" She looked down upon the girl.

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