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- Chapter Ninety-Nine -
"But did you have to kill that man?

- Chapter Ninety-Nine - "But did you have to kill that man?

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The last half hour felt like a whole week. Perhaps it was just the amount of nerves that she was sporting which made it feel long but maybe it was just that time of year or maybe it was because she had just broken her best friends heart. She was a wreck, head spinning; chest constricting; the mark on her arm burning ever so hotly to remind her of what was to come later that night. Dumbledore would be dead, the school would probably go up in ruins before McGonagall could even start to take her place as Headmistress and Elladora would've committed yet another sin.

She was sick and tired of all of it: she had distanced herself, hurt herself and hurt others. She had screamed and yelled and shouted, yet no one ever heard what she had to say. Part of her wanted to kill Dumbledore for all the things he had done, all the secrets he had kept. She wanted to watch as the light left his eyes and his life was hers to pay for Sebastian's demise.

Yet when she thought that, she was truly scared of what she had become. She tried to convince herself that she was good, she wasn't actually a Death Eater, she was saving people and eventually she would be let free of the hypothetical shackles that were locked around her ankles.

But she knew that wasn't the case, she was a bad person and that much was clear to her. The tip of her finger was holding on tight to her morals but all she wanted to do was make people pay. They don't necessarily have to be on the bad side of the war, just to have wronged her.

But what is the bad side? Who tells the difference between good and bad? The world is not divided into good and Death Eaters, she was neither side of the society, she was just floating in her own place back to where she started, lonely and sad. No friends anymore, no Remus, no family...just herself.

A hand grasping her arm jerked her back into reality and she was pulled out of the corridor and into the courtyard by a strong hand. The clouds were a dark, stormy grey and it was quite cold outside with drops of rain still falling down so whoever jerked her out of the corridor must've had a good reason otherwise she would be mad.

"Sirius?" She looked up to her friend, though he looked conflicted, confused as small patters of rain dropped down onto them. "Be more gentle next time please."

Her fingers consciously rubbed her left sleeve where her mark hid, seeing as his fingers had gripped around the scolding ink.

He didn't reply, just stood there before her, his chest heaving up and down with heavy breaths whilst she looked up at him, concerned. She dropped her hand from soothing her arm and reached out to rub his shoulder comfortingly but his hand shot out to grab her again, this time around her wrist to stop her hand from getting any closer.

Her eyes flew wide in shock as she looked over at his grey eyes that were now boring into her brown ones, his lip quivering slightly.

"Did you kill someone?"

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