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- Chapter Thirteen -
"Hello. Quite dirty in here."

Just as the boys had said, in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Elladora was blessed by Peter's presence as he slid in the chair next to her, smiling warmly, only getting a glance and a nod in return

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Just as the boys had said, in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Elladora was blessed by Peter's presence as he slid in the chair next to her, smiling warmly, only getting a glance and a nod in return. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't disappointed from the lack of words for a greeting, he saw her talk to Remus quite a lot, as well as Sirius sometimes too, so why isn't she the same with him?

"Morning class." Penhurst greeted them, sweeping through the doors and stopping at the front, looking down at the students scattered to each desk. "Seating plans." He said and half of the class groaned. Elladora didn't voice her disappointment but instead settled with chewing the inside of her cheek.

"There's been an uproar of chatting in these classes recently and I want that to stop." He sighed, slowly making his way around all of the desks. "And there are some..." He was right behind Elladora now, pausing his words. "Select students...that think they're too good to talk."

The girl bit harder on the inside of her cheek, she hated this man, she actually hated him. "So..." He continued, walking away from her desk as her mean glare followed him. "These are your new places." A mocking smile made its way onto his face as he waved his wand and the black board flipped over, revealing names.

Lily Evans and Dorcas Meadowes
Sirius Black and Ernie Byron
James Potter and Kevin Henderson
Marlene McKinnon and Marcus Bow
Peter Pettigrew and Juliet Walters
Chase Beck and Avan West
Jade Harris and Harrison Fielding
Elladora Hargreaves and Remus Lupin...

Elladora was filled with relief at the sight of one of her 'friends' next to her name on the board. Peter seemed quite reluctant to move away from her but eventually did and walked towards Juliet, a Hufflepuff. The girl scanned the room for Remus, but didn't find his shaggy brown hair and scar-covered face anywhere.

James Potter was approaching her instead. "Full moon tonight so he's staying in bed, ill." He whispered under his breath and Elladora nodded, eyes full of sorrow as she took a space at her empty desk, pulling out a quill and some parchment, ready for the lesson.


The three boys that were feeling well, were sat at the lunch table with Elladora, talking nonsense whilst the girl popped into the conversation every now and then, still not used to the concept of talking to people. They were patient though, and that made it so much easier to try and be their friend. They understood and they didn't force her to talk.

"No, that's not how it works." Sirius told James, they were currently having a conversation about how pumpkin juice is made. James said that they used real pumpkins, juicing the guts inside and adding some purée and water to make it nicer. Whereas Sirius said that someone cast a spell to make water taste like pumpkins.

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