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- Chapter Fifty-Four -
"A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet."

"Pick a card, any card

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"Pick a card, any card."

The summer holidays were a great time for many, it was a time where people of all ages and all genders could take a break from the pressures of school and examinations, instead being able to relax and relish in the roasting summer sun that showered it's rays of light down onto the stretching fields, towns, villages or cities of England. Of course, there are some who would prefer to stay at school all throughout the holidays, especially if you went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

For Sebastian Hargreaves, it was quite an easy decision as to where he would be in the summer holidays. At home of course, it's not like he had a choice but if he did then he would still choose to go back home. Not because that's where he had grown up or because that's where his parents were to greet him back with impassive expressions. But because of his little sister. 

Oh how he loved his sister.

The two were as thick as thieves, two peas in a pod and any other expression that you would use for an inseparable pair of people. Seven years apart, yet that didn't seem to matter. Sebastian had many friends back at school that he would never talk about in the presence of someone he absolutely trusted, but his little sister was easily his best friend. He wouldn't be afraid to admit it either, he got a couple of snide remarks from other students regarding that fact but did he care? No, one simple hex and their mouths would be clamped shut.

He knew that his sister was smarter than any of the other half-wits that dared to open their mouth about her and she was only 10-years-old, yet to get her Hogwarts letter. She had her worries, but he didn't, she had shown signs of magic from a very young age. Sebastian had been made to levitate when she grabbed onto his finger as a child, he stared down at her with his mouth agape as a childish babble came from her lips but then she began to cry when she caught view of his feet off of the ground.

Her cry had caused her to lose concentration so Sebastian had fallen heavily back down to the floor with a large groan as their father made their way in, grumbling under his breath. But he smiled when Sebastian had hurriedly told him what had happened. He was delighted to know that his daughter wasn't a squib.

There was indeed a time where the Hargreaves parents had loved and cared for their children, not much  but they definitely had. It only really started to get dark in the house when Sebastian's baby sister began to talk. The words that came out of her mouth were somehow making her parents exchange glances with each other nervously and they began to get more and more secretive. Sebastian didn't understand what his sister was saying when she first learned to talk, but through the years the two had gotten both intelligent and educated, even if Sebastian was the only one that went to school.

At school he had made friends. With Gryffindors.

He was shocked to say the least when the boys he had met on the train hadn't treated him differently when he was sorted into Slytherin. The day that he had watched all three of his new friends head over to the Gryffindor table was possibly one of the worst days of his whole school career. His parents had told him that Gryffindor's were no good, that they went against everything that Slytherin stood for, went against the way society should be.

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