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- Chapter Nine -
"I decided to sit with you."

Breakfast was always seen to be the normal meal of the day

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Breakfast was always seen to be the normal meal of the day. It was peaceful as the students walked sluggishly out of their dorms in their uniforms, since it was a Friday. Today's seemed like any other, the Marauders all woke up near enough the same time, the only exception was Peter, who the others had to hit with pillows until he got out of bed.

Only when they sat down at their respected house table and started to eat their porridge and drink their orange juice, did the most shocking event of all occur.

A body sat themselves down next to Remus, who had his nose in a book whilst bringing his goblet up to his lips. The clattering of a fork on a plate made him look up and the first thing he saw was James' wide eyes and agape mouth as he stared at the spot next to the werewolf. Sirius and Peter had similar expressions, the latter only a bit redder than usual, which only meant one thing.

Remus turned his head and saw the lonely Slytherin named Elladora plopped down in front of an empty golden plate. Of all the things that could've been said or could've happened, the worst of all occurred. His orange juice spurted out from his nostrils as he choked on the drink, coughing violently as Sirius slapped his back, eyes trained to the girl next to his werewolf friend.

"Hi." Remus squeaked after he had cleaned everything up. "You okay? I mean, never mind, I mean- you're...have you eaten anything? Do you need to- here, have some porridge." He placed a bowl of porridge in front of her and she stared down at it, glancing up at him.

The porridge at the Slytherin table was actually quite disgusting, despite the rest of the Hogwarts food being absolutely delicious. But at the table of the lion, lots of students seemed to be wolfing down the bowls of oats. James and Peter even had some in front of them, but they had abandoned them once she had sat down.

She reached for a spoon and ate a scoop of the breakfast, prepared for the nasty taste of the oats mixed with milk and sugar. Her eyes grew ten times the size and she kept eating it, beginning  to forget about the boys surrounding her as she shoved the porridge into her mouth like she hadn't eaten in days.

When she had finished, she looked up again and saw them all watching her, which made her retreat back into her seat. They all immediately looked away at her sudden uncomfortableness. Whilst she had been eating, Remus had time to deal with the shock of her sitting with them, so he leaned in close to whisper to her, just in case she didn't feel comfortable with talking in front of the others.


"Hi." She glanced at him, fiddling with her fingers. "I decided to sit with you."

"I see that." The boy replied, chuckling whilst smiling wildly as he grabbed a pitcher of orange juice and filled the golden goblet sat in front of the non-smiling girl. "I'm glad you did, I hope we can be friends, maybe, if you want. We don't have to be if you don't want to be." He rambled, handing her the cup.

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