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- Chapter Twenty-One -
"They're memories, stored away by a certain person."

"Why on earth did you do that?" Remus said to Elladora when they left Care of Magical Creatures, he still had a small smile on his face

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"Why on earth did you do that?" Remus said to Elladora when they left Care of Magical Creatures, he still had a small smile on his face. Sirius, Peter and James all crowded them too, eager to hear her answer.

"I don't know, why did you throw your books on the floor?" She retorted, trying to look away from the stares and mutters she was getting from other students, it unnerved her slightly.

"Well, we had this pact that when someone knows they're going to get detention and they act on it, the others have to do it too." Peter explained and she nodded along with furrowed eyebrows, if they did that then why didn't they all come to that one detention with Sirius and Elladora.

"That settles it then, I'm in on the pact." She said. "Now, Remus, let's go get your potion."


Elladora led Remus down different corridors, leaving the rest of the marauders behind. She turned another corner and Remus saw that they were heading to Professor Dumbledores office. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and opened his mouth to speak or at least ask her a question, but one of her warning glares shut him up before a sound could come out.

"Fizzing Whizbees." She said loud and clear to a Griffin that stood proudly in front of them, the stone statue spun slightly to reveal a set of stone stairs that granted them passage. Remus had only ever been in Dumbledore's office twice, the Griffin still amazed him. However, Elladora seemed rather bored by the movement, as though she does this daily.

Their shoes smacked against the hard concrete as they walked with purpose up to the office. Where, unbeknownst to Remus, their headmaster was waiting for them with the purple potion. The large wooden door stood in front of them, shut tightly as they stared at it for a moment.

"Should we knock?" Remus asked, but his question was answered when Elladora did not knock, but instead barged right into the office, wrapping her hand around the handle and heaving open the entryway. "Dora!" He whisper-shouted, alarmed that she had just walked straight into the office. Nevertheless, he followed hastily, looking around.

"Ah, Miss Hargreaves, Mr. Lupin, I've been wondering when you would be coming." Dumbledore said from his desk and both of them looked up to see him smiling down at them in all of his glowing glory. "I'll be right back." He walked further into his office, presumably to get the potion that Elladora had asked him to store safely until the beginning of the moon cycle.

Remus pursed his lips and stared around at the office, taking in all the odd artefacts and shiny sculptures. "What do you reckon these are?" He asked the girl, pointing to a cabinet filled with small glass flasks.

"They're memories, stored away by a certain person." She answered, walking over to stand next to him. "A couple of them are mine, the other week I came up here and Dumbledore asked me whether or not I wanted to store some memories. I said yes."

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