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- Chapter Sixty-Four -

Elladora didn't even try to sleep that night

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Elladora didn't even try to sleep that night.

Her mind was running wild with anxiety and her eyes nervously flitted from her window to her bedroom door over and over again. If these people were looking for her, she wasn't worried about the fact she was the one they wanted, she was worried about the fact that they didn't know she was somewhat good so they could be violent when she would willingly go with them anyway. With Regulus of course and if they didn't take him then no matter how hard it would be, she would refuse and struggle as much as she could.

She was wearing her white night dress, short-sleeved and long enough to reach her ankles. Her hair was loose and travelling down to her waist with no extra style in it. After Evan had taken her away from the party and left her room again, she changed into her bed clothes but just settled on pacing around her room. She always thought that pacing was exaggerative and it didn't actually help with anything but surprisingly it did help her focus.

"Alchemy, broomstick, cauldron, dragon..." She was muttering to herself, a good rhyme that Sirius had taught her and she remembered him telling her that it helped him in his rare anxiety attacks and it could be of use to her and he was right, it was working. "Eye, frog, goblin, hat, invisibility cloak, jelly beans, keys, lightning, mushroom, night, owl, pumpkin, quill, rabbit, snake, toad, unicorn, valkyrie, witch-"

"Miss." A squeaky voice came from her left and she paused in her pacing to turn and face Dobby who had opened her bedroom door.

"Hi, Dobby." She smiled at him unsurely, fiddling with her hands and going to sit down on her bed instead of walking around the room. "Are you okay?"

He didn't reply and just looked back at the bedroom door with his watery eyes before turning back around to face her. His hands were wringing together awkwardly and he scuffed his bare, dirty feet against the floor with a small whimper.

"Dobby has been asked to deliver some news to Miss." He said and Elladora furrowed her eyebrows together slightly, prompting him to go on. "Dobby has been told that master and mistress will both be leaving tomorrow morning for a week, they will say goodbye tomorrow but they asked I tell you now."

"They're...leaving?" Elladora stood from her bed, walking closer to Dobby who cowered away slightly and she immediately stopped her advances, frowning at the fear she had inflicted. "I'm sorry. I would never hurt you."

"Dobby knows." The house-elf nodded, still wringing his hands together. "Dobby knows but he sometimes cannot help it, miss. I will be going now, everyone has left the house so it is only you and your parents and the man in the basement." He put extra emphasis on the last part and she straightened up carefully,

"Oh...okay thanks Dobby."

The elf nod his head and scurried out with one last wide-eyed, silently pleading look at Elladora. The door to her bedroom shut with a click and she was left alone with her thoughts once more. The man in the basement. Sturgis Podmore, Evan had guessed, a similar attitude to Sirius from what she had heard before she had gotten dragged away from the party. She knows exactly how to handle something like that and if her parents are going out of the house for a whole week then they wouldn't know if here to be say...set free.

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