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- Chapter Seventy-Five -
"It was just so peaceful and then...boom."

"Come on!" A childish giggle of an old memory travelled through the forest around her

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"Come on!" A childish giggle of an old memory travelled through the forest around her. It entwined with the winds and whistled its harmony around the growing vegetation. Squirrels in the trees chittered quietly in reply to the voice that had broken through the wall of soft and peaceful silence.

"Where are you?" A young girl's voice rang out, sounding closer than the one from before. Sticks and twigs on the ground below crunched and cracked as the body she was inhabiting began to move, weaving in between massive trunks and  pushing small branches littered with leaves out of her face. "Sebastian!"

Some of the floating blossom in the air found its home on the top of her head, the feathery light touches she felt making it clear. Her arm had just pushed a branch away from her face so she came into a small round clearing of the forest, the large oak tree looming in front of her like a giant reminder of the barricade she was trapped in. Looking down at the hand that was clearing her path of all obstacles, she felt a sense of familiarity at the pale porcelain skin that shone in the sunlight.

The snap of a twig behind the young girl made her swing around to face the way she had just come, her brown hair whipped around with her and the skirt of the black dress she was wearing did too. Everything went silent as she stood in the middle of the eerie clearing, the tree sending a shadow over where she was stood up when staring in the direction of the small snap.

The flapping of a birds wings made her look back behind her and at the large oak tree. A twittering bird rustled its way out of the branches and flew high above the treetops, her eyes followed it and she frowned as it flew faster, approaching the sharp spikes of the gate that stood so tall above the vegetation. She watched with a straight face, void of emotion, as the bird tried to fly past the gates but with a spark of light, the bird disintegrated thanks to the protective enchantments around the gates.

The girl stood still, staring at the empty air near the gates and facing away from the oak tree. A lot of birds flew towards the barrier with no knowledge that they couldn't get past and she saw or heard every single one of them from her bedroom window.


A pair of hands grappled her shoulders and added pressure, she twirled around with a gasp of fright only to see a young boy laughing in front of her. His skin showed little age, his hair was a neat brown mess and his smile was so wide that it cause a bubble of envy to start up in her stomach. He took his hands off of her shoulders and clutched his stomach as he laughed harder; her chest was rising and falling with heavy pants as he did so.

"That was not funny!" She reprimanded the boy, crossing her arms over her chest and narrowing her eyes at him with a cold stare. The boy only continued to laugh, running a hand through his hair and messing it up slightly.

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