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- Chapter Twenty -

Elladora watched as James made his way over to the sixth-year Gryffindor girls that were sat at the breakfast table. He had expressed his worry that Lily had taken a less liking in him since he became so preoccupied with his friends, so he told them that he was going over to apologise for something that Lily didn't even notice was happening.

Nevertheless, the redhead smiled warmly and waved him off after a small conversation. He returned to his friends, a bright smile on his face whilst pumping his fist in the air. Elladora high-fived him and turned back to her porridge, she had been eating it before James announced that everyone had to watch him talk to Lily.

"So, name suggestions for mine and Evans' children?" He wiggled his eyebrows and the boys chuckled. "I'm thinking James II."




"Harry." Elladora spoke up. "That's a nice name, you sort of look like a Harry, James. So I think your child would look like one too if he was a boy."

"In all due respect, Dora." James started, cringing slightly. "Harry is a ridiculous name."

She shrugged and turned back to her porridge. Sirius looked deep in thought. "Actually, Harry Sirius Potter doesn't sound like a bad name." He said, pointing his spoon that he had in his cereal at his friend.

"Harry James Potter." James corrected before grimacing again. "I'm not naming my child Harry, ew." He said and poured himself some orange juice.

"Suit yourself. Harry's actually quite a good name." Remus agreed and so did Peter. Elladora raised her eyebrows at James and he rolled his eyes with a fond smile on his face.

"Enough about Harry," He gagged on the name and the other four exchanged amused glances. "What do we have first period, boys?"

The Gryffindors all grabbed their timetables out of their bags or pockets of their robes and unfolded it, scanning the parchment for the right lesson. Sirius' had tea stains all over it and odd doodles that he had drawn with a quill, then again Elladora didn't really know what she was expecting as she looked over his shoulder.

"Care of magical creatures with the Slytherins." Remus said and smiled at their very own rogue Slytherin, who nodded and returned to her porridge. "Apparently today we're doing Hippogriffs."

"Oh, I've read about those, the front half of an eagle and the hind half of a horse. Its extremely fast and is presented as being able to fly around the world and to the Moon, though no ones ever actually tested it." Elladora said.

"Dibs on sitting next to her." James pointed at the girl and pumped his fist in the air once again as Peter groaned, Peter wasn't that mentally gifted, so sitting next to the person who has read all about them would be a bonus, plus he admires her greatly.

"Let's get going then." Remus said and stood slowly, time had flown by and it was already the start of the moon cycle. That reminded Elladora of her potion.

"After Care of magical creatures I'll take you to the potion." She whispered and he nodded thankfully as they all set off through the doors of the great hall.

Now, when Elladora had read all about the Wolfsbane potion invented by Damocles Belby just a couple of years ago, it seemed very difficult, but when she was one of Slughorns favourite students, it wasn't hard to sneak into the potions cupboard and gather most of the ingredients.

The potion had to be taken by the werewolf each day before the upcoming full moon otherwise it would remain ineffective. It was supposed to make the werewolf sleepy and less wild when transformed which could be amazing on their friends behalf, so that they could all chill out in the shrieking shack, maybe Elladora could come this time.

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