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- Chapter Ninety-Three -
"Or you'll live long enough to see yourself become a villain."

The rest of the meeting had been some kind of blur to Elladora, she would pick up conversations every now and then but her mind couldn't spot whereabouts they were coming from or who was talking at that moment

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The rest of the meeting had been some kind of blur to Elladora, she would pick up conversations every now and then but her mind couldn't spot whereabouts they were coming from or who was talking at that moment. All she could think of were her own words of accepting the task that had been offered, not given, it had been her own choice to accept it because she was given the chance at revenge and took it without a second thought and that terrified her. She didn't even think about saying it, she just did and now she was stuck with that because she was...forever to obey.

The unbreakable vow loomed with demented grandeur over her head and she thought back to when her arm was clasped in Voldemort's and her own father had placed the tip of his wand where their arms connected. She remembered the thin red flames wrapping around her arm and burning the scars which were nearly faded before she had muttered those three words and felt a harsh burn in her arm which she suspected was the excitement of the curse having a purpose.

Voldemort hadn't bothered her with anything else after her acceptance of the task and moved on to the more important stuff instead; mainly consulting Evan's sister and her friends that were going to get Evan out of where he was being kept, Alecto had been holding Evan's hand under the table and running a thumb over the back of her hand in an attempt to calm the tears that were so desperately trying to escape from the girls eyes.

Elladora's father had been beaming every since she uttered her first and last three words of the meeting, his hands clasped together excitedly on top of the table. Her mother however hadn't smiled that much and actually attempted to reach her hand over to her daughter's knee which lead to Elladora jerking it away and hitting it against the table but the thud wasn't heard over the laughter of the Death Eaters at someone's bad joke.

"Miss Hargreeves," Voldemort's voice made the blur disappear as she trained herself to the conversation and let her gaze travel towards him, his hair specked with grey in his age sitting neatly on his head as he stared at her with his piercing brown eyes. "Your task..."

She gulped as he surveyed her up and down from what he could see, she was sure he would look further down if she was stood instead of sat at the table. But she tried to look at him anyway instead of glancing away and when his eyes snapped back up to meet hers, her breath got caught in her throat but not in a good way.

"Your task is to be complete by the 25th June, 10pm or I think you know what happens." He said gravely and raised an eyebrow to make sure she understood him, she nodded slowly and tried to make sense of it...June 25th was 10 days away. "Good...everyone is dismissed."

Elladora was the first one out of her seat, trying not to look like she was rushing away but she definitely went a bit faster than the rest; she passed the Carrow twins who were walking with Evan's sister and she spared the girl a small smile, if Elladora missed Evan this much she couldn't imagine how his sister felt. Regulus was in the corner of her eye at one point but she ignored him, pushing open the doors and walking into the entrance hall to her house.

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