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Saturday 31st October, 1981

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Saturday 31st October, 1981

"She would've been 22 today."

Lily's sigh was quiet after her husband had spoke, barely heard over the baby in front of her babbling incoherently whilst reaching out to the plate of bananas his mother was holding in her hand; momentarily taking her attention away from her child and putting it towards James who was sat glumly at the dinner table picking at his own dinner that he had made an hour ago for himself and his wife and still not finished.

"James," Lily said gently, continuing to tend to their son as James pushed his food around his plate like a grumpy teenager who didn't like what his parents had put in front of him. "...it happened four years ago."

"Therefore I shouldn't be upset?" He asked, giving up on pushing his uneaten food around his plate; it had gone cold anyway. Slowly, he stood and picked up his plate before walking over to scrape his food into the bin and then place the crockery into the sink for him to later clean.

"Of course you can still be upset." Lily shook her head, her eyes following his movement as the baby tugged on the sleeve of her top. She turned back to him and fed him again, forcing a smile because of the subject of the current conversation. "I'm still upset, she was my friend too."

"You didn't know her like I did." He faced her and Lily straightened her posture from being hunched over looking at their son. "You weren't there like I was, like the others were."

"Well, I'm very sorry James but I was there when I could be." She raised her hands in surrender, rolling her eyes slightly whilst grabbing the now empty plate of banana that was placed on the table of the highchair. "We couldn't all be as pestering as you were."

James pursed his lips but didn't respond; they had been having small arguments like this a lot lately because of the stress the war was causing. The effects of it being her birthday were worse this year since just before they went into hiding, he had captured her mother who had a big resemblance.

He guessed he couldn't really call it capturing when she had tried to talk to Remus in Hogsmeade and James had glimpsed the Dark Mark on her arm, pulling her slender hand off of the man's wrist, who had glimpsed at the woman as though she was her daughter. He was quite shaken up afterwards and James took him home almost immediately after he had turned the woman to the ministry.

She was given a 50 year sentence for her crimes but from the way she looked, James suspected she wouldn't finish her sentence before she fell dead. He had sat in that hearing and he had heard every sob from her lips pleading mercy but it hadn't seemed as though she was asking the people at their hearing. When she had quieted, she had spewed information that everybody scrambled to write down.

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