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- Chapter Five -
"It's a boggart, sir."

Elladora watched with interest and curiosity as James Potter, followed by the rest of the marauders, walked over to Lily Evans with a bounce in his step and a big grin spreading over his face

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Elladora watched with interest and curiosity as James Potter, followed by the rest of the marauders, walked over to Lily Evans with a bounce in his step and a big grin spreading over his face. The two exchanged a couple words, the redhead looking thoroughly amused before smirking and returning to her conversation with Marlene McKinnon.

James still held the bright smile on his lips as he turned and gave a large thumbs up to the girl at the Slytherin table. She simply raised and eyebrow and returned to her food as if to say 'I have no idea what you're talking about.' It was very unlike her to help out anyone, but it pained her to hear about constant complaints about the boy when she stood near the redhead.

The first lesson of the day was Defence Against the Dark Arts, today they would be handling boggarts, she had absolutely no idea what her fear would be, probably either her mother or her father, but that would be embarrassing and it would raise a lot of questions, which she didn't have the time to answer.

Snape suddenly burst into the hall, shouting and cursing the four Gryffindor boys, whilst also sporting some very curly hair. Everybody started to howl with laughter at their classmate and his new style. Shouts of ridicule came from the houses, including Slytherin, which made Severus feel even worse than he did.

With no body to sit with, since his friends were giggling, he took a deep breath and sat across from Elladora, glancing up at her when all of her movements stopped. He shrugged and tucked into some toast, ignoring her obvious uncomfortable state.

Her knees began to bounce up and down as they sat in an awkward silence, every time one of them made a movement, they would freeze. The bell eventually rang and Elladora praised Merlin, leaping out of her seat and hurrying off to her classroom.

As always, she was the first one to arrive in the room, greeting her professor as she stationed herself to a spot in the middle of the empty classroom, their desks having been pushed to the sides whilst a large cabinet stood in the middle of the room, shaking from side to side. The next people to arrive were the infamous marauders, it honestly seemed like the two houses had everything together.

"Morning boys, today is boggarts so just stand around and we'll wait for the others." Professor Penhurst told them, returning to his parchment which he was scribbling on. The boys started to poke and prod Peter, making him blush and swat them off, luckily the Slytherin girl didn't look back to see him staring, although she felt it, starting to shift comfortably in her spot.

"Hey." Somebody squeaked from beside her and she turned her head slightly to see Peter Pettigrew, bouncing on his feet.

"Okay, class!" Penhurst clapped his hands together, she now noticed that more Gryffindors and fellow Slytherins had entered the classroom. Saved by the bell, actually saved by the teacher but it's the same thing. Peter was dragged back to his friends by his robe as the teacher started the lesson.

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