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- Chapter Twenty-Three -
"You guys are quite predictable now that I know you."

December came around quicker than Elladora would've liked, she and Regulus had grown closer of the last couple of weeks, spending late nights sat in the common room whilst she helped him study for his O

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December came around quicker than Elladora would've liked, she and Regulus had grown closer of the last couple of weeks, spending late nights sat in the common room whilst she helped him study for his O.W.LS, he said he wanted to be an Auror, if his parents let him. The girl greatly encouraged this and told him what lessons he would need to pick.

Elladora had actually picked the work path to be an Auror too, a lot of people did, it actually made it better that the marauders had all wanted to do the same thing. Hopefully they achieved it.

Every day, Elladora would casually look over to the Slytherin table and make sure that Regulus wasn't being bothered by Snape, Mulciber or Avery. Of course he wasn't, but it never hurt to check. Regulus had actually taken it upon himself to dodge conversations with the boys when he didn't want to talk, taking Elladora's advice on different places to hide from the Slytherins.

Sirius didn't know anything about it, and if she's being honest, there was a tiny bit of guilt weighing her down. But Regulus had grown a lot since their meet-up in the common room, even though her friend had specifically told her not to go. It didn't matter, she was doing what she thought was right.

Sibling rivalry isn't an excuse to let someone's life go down the drain.

"I love Christmas." James Potter's voice made Elladora jump out of her skin as she dropped her spoon back into her soup. "It's makes me so fuzzy inside." He placed a hand to his heart and leaned his head on her shoulder whilst she stared down at him unimpressed.

"Prongs, leave the poor girl alone." Remus smacked his head, causing the boy to whine as he dragged his head off of Elladora's shoulder, cupping his ear.

The full moon had been and gone, it was a miracle and Elladora was delighted when she saw that her potion worked. The boys had allowed her to join them that night, for research on the potion. It had indeed work and after the transformation, complete with screams and howls of pain, Remus took one look at them in their human form and fell into a deep sleep, allowing Elladora to pet him so he kept comfortable.


"So, just careful down here." Sirius held his hand out for Elladora to take, but she didn't need to grasp it and brushed past him anyway, slipping down the hole in the Whomping Willow. He followed, Peter and James behind him as they led her the right way to the shrieking shack.

They got there after 2 minutes of walking, it was just as old and creepy as Elladora had imagined, there were different rooms that had been trashed and mainly decomposed. But there was one that had lots of rustling inside it. James stepped forward first and held a hand out to stop her from rushing past.

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