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- Chapter Ninety-Four -

Dark clouds had settled over Hogsmeade, or at least in Elladora's point of view they had

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Dark clouds had settled over Hogsmeade, or at least in Elladora's point of view they had. It had certainly gotten darker due to the amount of time she had spent back at her house when she hadn't planned to, but it wasn't like it was late evening and all the students had disappeared back up to the castle. In fact, it shouldn't be long until they had to so Elladora chose the perfect time to leave the house in order to not get in trouble with Mr. Filch or even Dumbledore if he was back in the castle.

The evening was still warm, the heat shrouding her as soon as she exited the house and was out into the summer evening instead of being cramped inside the somehow colder house even though they didn't have air conditioning like some muggles had.

Remus had told her what it was when she saw it in a book once and pointed at it wit furrowed eyebrows and a question of what it was. He had laughed and explained, an endearing moment in Elladora's little breaks from her messed up life. Still, it was an unpleasant shock when the heat attacked her once she and her mother had stepped out of the house to get back to the village.

After their argument and the surprising hug her mother tried to give, Elladora had just sat silently in the music room on her own for a while, collecting herself. Cassiopeia had removed Macnair from the room so she wasn't taunted by his unblinking eyes for the time she wanted to herself, going over her actions and her words and her commitments and the deadline she had given her own life. Dumbledore had to die so she could live...soon.

She had 10 days, 10 days to come up with a fool proof plan of the third murder she had to carry out and to figure out how to get the book back from Regulus. There was no chance he would just give it to her, so she would have to take it. But how? Regulus had his bag on him at all times and was an extremely light sleeper so she couldn't just walk in and take it, not without James' invisibility cloak which he would want the reason as to why she needed it.

There were a lot of things to do and she didn't know if she could do them all, let alone in 10 days. At least when Dumbledore is dead, she only had once bit of revenge to focus on. Every single Death Eater involved with Sebastian's death and her own abuse and torture, she would do her parents first, kill the man who had been so willing to send his own son out on a death mission. Then she would kill the woman who had so easily thrown her around like a rag doll before trying to apologise for it all, the woman who was stood right next to her.

"I'll see you on the 26th." Cassiopeia was stood in front of her, keeping her hands to herself which she had been sure to do after Elladora had used practically all of her own strength to push the woman away from her when she tried to initiate a hug. The two of them were stood in a side alley after apparating there, tucked away from the main village.

Elladora said nothing in response, just looked blankly past her shoulder to the end of the High Street that the alley lead into, letting it be known that she would rather go back to school than talk to her mother any longer. Voldemort would be holding a meeting on the 26th June after she had killed Dumbledore, to congratulate her or whatever, Elladora didn't care. The only thing she cared about was the dread of being back amongst all those brooding faces in just 11 days.

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