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- Chapter Sixty-One -
"Muggles haven't been the very best of company today."

Elladora had abandoned the smoky stick as soon as they were away from the shop where the shark movie was playing on the 'television'

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Elladora had abandoned the smoky stick as soon as they were away from the shop where the shark movie was playing on the 'television'. It was a horrid taste, not to mention a horrid smell and looking around, a lot of muggles had them too and as much as she enjoyed being in London for the day, she didn't quite think she was ready to be that muggle trendy at the moment. Regulus seemed to be thinking the same thing as he eyed the cigarette on the floor warily for a  moment before they set off again, breathing in the air instead of being stuck in the stuffy rooms of Hargreaves Manor.

Muggle London held a lot of odd things in it's clutches. Starting with the weird clothes, there didn't seem to be a cloak or robe shop in sight, and finishing with the apparent lack of stationary, only a couple of bookshops were around the town. There was one and Elladora was excited to see if they had one of her favourite books there so she could get her own copy. It was one that she often read when in the library at Hogwarts where it was stored secretly in the back of the large room, behind the History Of Magic books that no one except Elladora touches and they were riddled with layer of dust.

But her hopes were not met as they didn't seem to have it, they didn't even have books from the author. Regulus told her it was because this was a muggle shop and that they didn't stock any books by Dominic Baudelaire, who was indeed a wizarding author. Elladora heavily argued about Shakespeare as Regulus ushered her out of the shop before the owner could call whatever the muggle Aurors were called and get them trapped in the muggle version of Azkaban.

The story was a Riches to Rags story that Elladora greatly admired, liking how the stereotypical success of money was turned on its head as Thomas Fletcher, a rich white man believed he could treat anyone the way he wanted but when Oliver Jen, a poor single father plotted against him, he lost all of his money and so began the slow decline from hierarchy that Elladora loved to read about. It brought a smile to her face and coming from a rich family, she knew she probably shouldn't like it as much as she did but it was undeniably good and well written.

"Remus has a jumper like that." Elladora commented absentmindedly as she and Regulus strolled past another pone of the odd clothing shops, finally a familiar garment coming to light. "Except it's a different colour and doesn't have the stripes." She trailed off, frowning at another failed attempt of finding a common interest between the two worlds. "Yeah, no, its a different jumper."

"Do you think muggles have butterbeer?" Regulus asked her, having not paid attetion to the claim of the jumper and instead spying a pub up ahead that had men shaking with booming laughter sat outside of.

Elladora looked away from the shop and towards Regulus, before looking where he was and tilting her head at the pub and the men with drinks in their hands.

"Well, I suppose so." She shrugged slightly, pursing her lips. "It's a very common drink to serve, why? Do you want one?"

"I could take one." He nodded along and she smiled, taking his hand and beginning to walk across the road to be on the same side as the pub but Regulus pulled her back onto the pavement when he saw a car racing towards them, about to knock Elladora over.

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