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- Chapter Eight -
"I just had the greatest idea."

TW: Mentions of suicide

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TW: Mentions of suicide

For the next week, Elladora hadn't been to any lessons, she hadn't been to breakfast, lunch or dinner at all. She had not seen Remus Lupin or anyone else except for her dorm mates who leave her to it, not questioning where she was all week. At night, the girl would find what homework they had and do it in her own time, owling the essays to her teachers in the middle of the day. For meals, she would go to the kitchens and sit with Flick, who seemed very delighted to see her after Friday night, but still didn't utter a word.

Today was different though, whilst her fellow sixth-year Slytherins were at their Herbology lesson, Elladora was putting her finishing touches on her essay on Animagi for her transfiguration lesson. As she turned to get another pot of ink, since hers had run out, her headmaster was stood in the corner of the room, his lavender robes flowing down his sides as gracefully as always.

"Professor." She acknowledged, finding the pot she was looking for. The cap was quite easy to unscrew as she placed it where her old one was and lifted the empty one into the air, letting it disintegrate with a wordless flick of her wand.

"Miss Hargreaves." Dumbledore nodded, staring at the air where the fire had dispersed. "I have come to talk to you." He told her and she glanced up through her eyelashes, telling him that it was obvious why he had come. "I heard what happened on the astronomy tower."

"Then you know I need to be alone." She muttered, dotting her paper and then leaving it to dry so she could owl it off to Professor McGonagall.

"Mr. Lupin has given me an account on what happened from his point of view. He also told me that he told you his secret." His face turned stony as he stared at her, watching as she realized what this little talk was about. As if she would tell anyone, she's known for years and she has yet to let the secret slip.

"I've known for years."

""I know. But I trust that since he has confirmed this, you won't go around telling anybody." He requested, smiling when she nodded. "I also came to check that you were still breathing, considering that no body has seen you move for a week."

"Still here." She replied disinterestedly. "You know that, you would know-"

"Forgive me for interrupting but Mr. Lupin has been distressed all week about your health, especially because of Friday night. He requested I check on you, even if the other Slytherin's hadn't raised any concerns." He told her. Her eyebrows raised the slightest bit in surprise, no one had ever cared where she was or what she was doing.

"That's right, Elladora." Dumbledore chuckled lightly. "The boy has certainly seemed more stressed than normal recently."

"That's because it's the full moon in 5 days." Elladora moved over to her bare bedside table and reached into the drawer, pulling out an envelope to stuff her essay inside. "He tends to get angry and ill-mannered during these times as well as sick."

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