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- Chapter Fifty-Nine -
"Avada Kedavra."

"Kill him

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"Kill him."

She didn't want to.

There was a man lying helplessly on the floor before her, sobbing and pleading for mercy as she stood before him; she clutched her wand tightly in her hand, all her muscles tensing as the man's blood dribbled down his face from his open wound that he had been presented to her with. He seemed to be middle-aged and balding, a wedding ring was circling his finger on his left hand and a bracelet that looked like it was made by a child around his wrist.

His lips trembled in terror as incoherent begs came from his mouth, tears streaming down the side of his face whilst his eyes screwed shut. He opened them every once in a while to make eye contact with the girl stood before him, who was on the verge of tears. Her hair was down yet styled and her dress, unlike many others, had thin straps that hugged the side of  her shoulders meaning her dark mark was on show.

The skin around it was still rubbed quite raw and many had eyed it sceptically when they first saw it. The Dark Lord only smiled at it and hugged her uncomfortably when she entered the meeting that took place in her dining room once again. Voldemort seemed to see her as some sort of special addition to the group of dark wizards, like she was his favourite considering the way he treated her like she was a delicate piece of glass. She was complimented often, smiled at and very subtly touched. Just simple hands on her back or hands on her hand but it was still odd.

The only people that she allowed to touch her, were Remus, Sirius, James, Peter and Regulus because they were the people that she felt most comfortable with and had learned to allow physical contact with them anyway. She remembered when James tried to high five her back in early October and she flinched away from his hand but now she would gladly high five him if he offered or she would even be the one to initiate it.

She remembered Christmas morning when Remus asked to hug her because she seemed like she needed one and in the middle  of her rambling, she allowed herself to pull him into an embrace and then about 5 minutes later, she hugged Sirius because they both didn't have any parents to greet that morning. Also early the next morning, she and Remus danced together in the snow before heading back in to drink hot chocolate; their hair was littered with snowflakes and their cheeks were rosy with the nipping cold.

But those were different, more comfortable by being touched by a Dark Wizard.

The same Dark Wizard with a group of people that follow and practically idolise him, that idolise the idea of taking lives of people who are deemed unworthy of magic, who have dirty blood. Elladora often wonders what the blood thing is about, if both a muggleborn and a pureblood cut their fingers, their blood would look the same. The same thing goes for different races and minority groups. It just doesn't make sense to her.

Minority groups don't choose to be oppressed and quite frankly, people talking like it does pissed her off.

They're all innocent. People with different parents are innocent, people from a different country are innocent, people who like what society has told them not to like are innocent. This man on the floor was innocent and the way he was crying and staring up at her made her stomach twist unpleasantly like she was about to collapse at any moment.

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