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- Chapter Four -
"I really think we ought to leave the poor girl alone."

Lunch was always abysmal for Elladora, the only thing that would comfort her at that time would be the delicious food that the house elves would make

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Lunch was always abysmal for Elladora, the only thing that would comfort her at that time would be the delicious food that the house elves would make. She would head down to the kitchen from time to time and sit with Flick, an elf that never speaks, quite like herself. It brought comfort to the both of them, having sources of peace without having to talk.

The girl would always sit at the end of the Slytherin table, in the seat closest to the doors so she could get out sooner. Of course because she didn't have any other friends from other houses, she sat squished up next to some ugly seventh-years that gave her nasty looks every time she reached for an expertly cut bread roll.

One boy on the Gryffindor table would look over at her from time to time, still believing that what he saw in the greenhouse was real. However whenever she looked back at him, feeling someone's eyes on her back, he turned back around swiftly to his other friends.

"I'm telling you!" Sirius exclaimed to the blank expressions of his friends. "She did it with her mind!"

"Come off it, mate." James chuckled, shaking his head as he glanced down the table to see the fiery redhead that he was infatuated with. "Now, let's talk about Evans."

"Come off it, mate." Peter mocked him, making the other two boys laugh as James threw a glare at him before continuing to stare at Lily with utter adoration in his eyes, if only he went the right way about it.

"In all seriousness though, Padfoot. I really think we ought to leave the poor girl alone, there's obviously a reason she doesn't talk that much and getting bombarded with all these questions can't be good for her when she's never had any other student actually hold a conversation with her, imagine how she feels." Remus stated, his friends froze in shock and then nodding their heads with sad and regretful smiles. "So what she dodged a prank? She's good at it, that doesn't mean we need to constantly bug her about it."

"You're right." Sirius nodded his head, normally he wouldn't give up that easily but remembering what Peter said earlier about childhood trauma had him thinking and realising that her anti-social traits had to come from somewhere. Then he felt bad, taking one last glance at the girl who was nibbling at a bread roll.

"Sometimes I wonder why you're not in Ravenclaw, Moony." James shook his head, shoving some meet into his mouth hungrily.

"Me too." The werewolf replied, chewing down onto his food with more grace than him whilst the rest of the marauders made offended noises, tutting at him and wagging their fingers right in his face.


"Good afternoon, children!" Professor Slughorn welcomed everybody to his class, receiving tired groans or uninterested mutters back. He kept the smile on his face nonetheless, raking his eyes over the mix of red and green ties that stood at the front of the classroom.

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