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- Chapter Sixty-Three -
"Protect me from what?"

- Chapter Sixty-Three -"Protect me from what?"

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"I'm going to rip his head off."

The severity of Regulus' glare made even Elladora feel taken aback. They had bot been stood near the drinks table for most of the night, just having small conversations and occasionally greeting people who came past them. Their parents hadn't disturbed them yet and they hoped that when it got to midnight and they could finally disappear upstairs to their bedrooms, they wouldn't have been approached by them the whole night.

Yet time was ticking slowly and it had only just reached 11pm when Elladora was already beginning to feel tired but Regulus was standing straight and alert, occasionally glaring across the room. Avery, Mulciber and some more boys that had joined them were all eyeballing the only girl their age in the room and Regulus was pissed beyond belief. They didn't seem to notice his glares and even if they did, they wouldn't care and would probably just keep staring.

"Who's head are you ripping off?" Elladora asked, raising an eyebrow interestedly at him. She had a goblet of water in her hand, having finished her second glass of Firewhiskey a while ago and Regulus had been preventing her from getting a new one every time she even looked that way. Although it was tempting, she didn't want to get drunk that night.

"Avery, the son of a bitch." Regulus clenched his jaw angrily and she tilted her head before looking for the boy in the room, seeing him staring straight at them. "He's been staring at you all night." He told her apologetically, frowning and running a hand over her face.

"Why? He hates me." She furrowed her eyebrows with a small incredulous laugh and glanced his way again, he was far away but she could still see the direction he was looking in.

Regulus cleared his throat and just looked at her with a small smile and she shook her head in confusion at him. He figured that what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her so he just dropped it, shrugging his shoulder and shaking it off with another clear of his throat.

People had been talking, laughing and milling around all evening. More people coming in as the hours increased and both Elladora and Regulus were one boring conversation away from collapsing into their sleep. Along with her exhaustion, Elladora was dealing with her restricted breathing from the corset and trying not to suddenly faint. Walburga and Evan continued their rounds after the snorting incident and they successfully managed to avoid another embaassing run-in.

Just another hour and then they were done for the night and Elladora could finally sleep.

"Hey, guys." A voice from beside them caught their attention and they both turned to see Evan Rosier pouring himself a drink, smiling tiredly. His hair that had been perfectly styled before was a bit messed up now and his eyes seemed just as tired as theirs as he stared down at the butterbeer he had just poured in his cup. "How are you guys holding up with...all this?"

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