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- Chapter Eighteen -

- Chapter Eighteen -"YES!"

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"Is she dead?"

"She looks sort of...pale."

"Should we wake her up?"

"Mate, never wake up a girl."

"Well, I don't know what to do."

"She's gonna miss breakfast if she doesn't wake up."

The whispers that surrounded her made her eyes flutter open, she was facing the wall, covered in the comfortable extra blanket that she got from Sirius' as her head was buried deep in one of Peter's pillows. She made a slight movement and there was rustling from around the room whilst she sat up, running her fingers through her hair as she glanced around the room, seeing all the boys pretending to wake up too.

"Oh, hey Dora." Sirius fake yawned as he sat up.

"I know you were all awake." She said and they didn't bother to hide their mischievous laughs as they climbed out of bed, still all in their pyjamas that fit their personalities massively. Sirius was wearing a pair of black sweatpants with a big black shirt over his top half, James was wearing the same thing but with grey pants and a white shirt, Remus was wearing navy blue checked long-sleeved pyjamas and Peter was wearing a normal t-shirt with some plaid pants.

"Morning." Sirius sighed, stretching his arms back before looking at a calendar that hung over his bed. James also looked at the calendar and their eyes widened considerably.

"QUIDDITCH!" They both screamed at once and Elladora squeaked at the volume, wincing whilst she pulled the blanket over her head until they stopped screaming. The two boys seemed to be more woken up than ever as they practically bounced around the dorm, getting their normal uniforms ready as quickly as possible.

Elladora pursed her lips and got out of her bed that she made on the floor, stretching. She had been given James' shirt to wear, which was over-sized, due to the body difference. And she had also been given some of Remus' shorts to wear, they were rather comfortable.

"Why are they screaming?" She whispered to Remus, who was stood next to her, his bed being the closest to her blanket and pillow.

"Quidditch." He answered with a chuckle.

She had never been to a quidditch match, she didn't see the point in going, just a bunch of students riding around on brooms. Besides, who would she even support if she went, she didn't like any of the houses, not even her own. But it seemed that James and Sirius were both very passionate about it.

"Do they like watching it?" She asked.

"They like playing it." He laughed, watching his friends run around the dorm room. "Both of them are on the team, James is a chaser and Sirius is a Keeper."

"That's right!" Sirius called from across the room, hopping up and down whilst trying to pull on his sock. "Are you coming to watch?" He asked, leaning against one of the bed posts as he blew a strand of long hair out of his eyes.

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