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- Chapter Eighty-Nine -
"Whoever can be quiet the longest wins, yeah?"

The closer to the end of the year it got, the more unbearable it became

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The closer to the end of the year it got, the more unbearable it became.

May had finished calmly, the days after the full moon passing by in a quick blur of the same routine every single day. Wake up, go to lessons, talk nonsense with the boys for a couple of hours, go to bed. On the weekends, it would vary depending on who was where; if no one had anything to do, they'd just spend the day talking to each other and if people had other plans, it would just be Elladora and someone else. Except for Sundays where the Death Eaters were desperate on talking about their 'mission' that none of them had accomplished.

But Elladora suspected that May had just been the steadily rippling waves that came before the merciless and deadly roaring waves of the oncoming storm that was likely to be destructive towards Elladora's whole life. She tried to prepare, but she didn't know what preparing for that sort of thing entailed. Does she act like everything is normal? Does she set out to take her revenge or will the storm control her into the doing that very thing? Was the storm going to hit her or was she the storm that was going to hit everyone else?

It was better to be cautionary for both, she thought and tried her best not to isolate herself from everyone important all at once because they'd know something was going on with her. Slowly, she had become quieter in their conversations but made sure to pop in here and there in order to avoid the questions of her wellbeing. Painful was the only word to describe the process but she reckoned it was something she had to do; for Sebastian.

When the exams came at the start of June, Elladora could've melted with the amount of relief and grace she felt for the tests. Studying was a perfect excuse to get someone off of her back, preferably the Death Eaters but it could work both ways if she wanted it to. That was just the thing, she didn't want to lose her friendships but her task of making Dumbledore pay for her brothers death would do that anyway. The tests didn't come with as much burden as she made out but people believed her; people being Macnair, Avery, Mulciber, Snape and Snyde.

It was harder to use it for her friends since they all reassured her she was the smartest in the class and didn't need to study as much as she said she did. But she managed to worm her way out of their compliments every time with the help of her ambition because it wasn't just Dumbledore who had to pay, it was every single Death Eater...except Regulus and she couldn't really save Evan seeing as he was arrested the previous month.

And in order to go after the big ranks, she had to expand her knowledge which meant breaking into Dumbledore's Pensieve. Luckily he still had yet to return after the knowledge of Sebastian's death had slipped from his safe grasp; McGonagall said business, Elladora said fear.

She walked with her head down, her old habits of wanting to slip past people easily coming naturally as she made her way down the different corridors on her way to Dumbledore's office. If she was seen, it would be harder to get up there especially if it was a member of staff who saw her heading in that direction. The boys were in a lesson that was one of Elladora's free periods so luck had come to her again...this is how she knew that this was meant to happen; they were all meant to pay.

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