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Kim Taehyung:

Since the day that they announced me as the son of Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin, my life have been great. Greater than I could ever imagined. They love me, they spoil me, always there for me when I have my nightmares. Why? Why are they so nice to me? Why would they love me like I'm their son when my parents never did.

They call me ANGEL...

My parents call me DEVIL..

I still have my up and down, I still have those episodes where I feel insecure and everyone will leave me. Jin and Namjoon hyung will comfort me and telling me sweet words to calm me.

Its been months now and I am used to all the love and attention they gave me. I love both of them so much. Them both are my real parents now.

I am back at work but Jin put me to attend the bar at VVIP section where it's more calm and having much less customers than the ground floor and Suite floor. VVIP floor are at the third floor and surrounded by glass wall where we can see people below but more quieter. There are literally no customers here.

I know Jin hyung want me close to him and protected even when he is out to attend some business. He is very protective.

"Hey Love.. What were you thinking? I have been calling you."

I snap out my thoughts when I feel touch in my cheek. I blushed so hard realising who it was.

"H..hey..nothing Kook, where is Gguk?"

I got closer to both of them in this few months. They always visit me and take me out shopping and sightseeing. I really like to spend time with them.

I also met new friends who is also a close friends to the twins, Hobi hyung, Jimin, and Suga hyung.

"Gguk has some business to attend, so currently out of town with others." he explained while taking a seat.

"Love, I'm hungry.. Please told the chef to prepare my meal." I noded and just send instructions to the kitchen using the computer.

Jungkook always call me with that name..Love.. Love.. Love.. And Jimin hyung always tease me about it because he said Jungkook never call anyone like that. He said that Kook might like me and I always denied that by saying that they only pity me.

Jungguk is treating me nice too and Hobi hyung told me that Gguk has changed since he knows me. He no longer flirt with others like he always do. He pity me too right?

An ugly person like me don't deserve men like them and no way gorgeous men like them would like monkey like me.

"Love... Why are you so lost in thoughts? I even finish my food. Is there something wrong Love? You can share with me."

Should I tell him what's in my mind?

"I remembered how bad my parents hate me but Jinnie and Joonie said they loves me. You and Gguk always treat me nicely too, it's because you feel pity for me right?"

I said slowly but I know Jungkook can hear it.

He immediately sit next to me and hd my hand in his.

"Love... We love you from our heart not because of pity. Yes, we help you from that hell in a name of humanity but to love you... It is sincere from our heart. You deserve the universe and each one of us are willing to sacrifice anything for you love. Because we can see how pure and innocent heart you have. You are beautiful inside and outside."

I feel tears down my cheeck, whatever he is saying, it feels honest and I want to believe that its true.

"Love... Please don't cry... I hate seeing you sad. You deserve all the happiness in this world."

Jungkook pull me into a hug, I don't know why I feel butterflies in my tummy, my heart...beating so fast but in the same time, I feel secure and..... Love??

I feel love? Its not the same love for Jinnie and Joonie, what... Why am I feeling like this for Jungkook. He might hate me if he knows my feeling for him.

I always like him and Jungguk like a best friend I never had. They treat me right, but why suddenly this feeling change?

Jungkook send me back home after he called Jin hyung saying that I am not feeling well and Jinnie like mother he is ready to call a doctor. I just said that I need rest.

Resting in my room thinking about this feeling I never expect to come and no experience in, my phone rings and when I looked at it. Its a video call from Jungguk.

"Hei baby.... Kook told me that you're not well. Are you okey now?"

"I.....I'm fine... Maybe a bit tired. Where are you?" why am I stuttering and since when I blushed when he call me baby when he always call me that.

"Baby... Is there something wrong? your face is red."

"I'm fine...maybe just hot..." oh my.... What is happening to me? Gguk too?


"What is impossible baby? Are you sure you're fine? Jin hyung not home right? Do you want me to come over?"

"No....nothing... It's okey.. I'm fine.. Just want to sleep..."

I can see it in Gguk face... He look worried.. But the more I stayed and look at him the redder I got.

"Okay.. Take your rest baby.. I miss you.. Night."


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