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As usual I arrive at Taetae front school and park my car at the reserve parking spot since Jeon Corp bought the school. I am always the first to arrive before he finish his classes as I don't want hin to wait for too long.

Its been 30 minutes he hasn't come out yet-nervous was an understatement. Fear.... What if something bad happen to him.

Without wasting a single time I walk in the school while making a call to Taehyung phone but its off. Taehyung never did it, he always make sure his phone charge and available.

I look around the school ground but still no sight of him.

Without wasting another second I made another call.

"Jungkook, Taehyung is missing."

"Missing?" I can hear Jungguk shocked voice next to him asking stupid question. "Where did he go? Who take him?"

If I know where did he go, I wouldn't call as missing. This stupid child.

"Calm down both of you. You guys are already here right?"

"Yes hyung.. We are on our way back to the office but now I'm driving towards Tae school. Be there in 5."

"Good, I'm making my way to the security room to look for the camera."

I hang up and walk to the security where they know who I am and gave a bow as soon as I enter.

"Find Taehyung!"

That was my only order and they do it immediately. My eyes looking sharp at the screen to find Tae and his last whereabouts.

The recording on rewind mode until I saw Taehyung at the cafe for lunch break, then I saw that Bogum guy join him and they have a normal chat until Tae left first leaving him at the cafe.

Tae walk out of the cafe and my eges change to a different screen to see he continue walking to his locker and take out a few documents. He mumblimg something whike looking over the report. Maybe he needed it for the next class.

My eyes change screen again when Tae walk out of that area and my eyes was quick to follow that he is not heading his class but t the professors' office room.

"Whose room is that?" Tae stop and knock on the door before entering and aftwr few minutes Bogum also enter the room without knocking.

I thought maybe they are having discussion together but as I forward the video another 2 men came to the room and that's when my heart gone crazy. They have an unconscious Tae and took him to back door with Bogum and the professor just stand at the door frame unbothered by the fact that a student is kidnapped.

"Hyung!" Both Jungguk and Jungkook call me at the same time.

"Did you find Tae?" Jungguk ask. He looks very tense compared to jungkook who look more in rage and ready to kill.

"Lets go." I walk out as I don't want to waste too much time standing there.

"I found Tae and whonis behind this. Bogum and a professor was also involve. A professor name Yoo Jae suk, I believe he is still in his office. Bogum already kidnapped Tae. I need to inform Jin, Gguk tell Hobi to dig information about Bogum and where he lives. Kook ask Suga to take Yoo Jae suk in but we deal with him later."

Right now Tae is our priority.

Jungguk and Jungkook made the call but to my surprise Jimin, Jhope and Suga are already at the school ground with some of our men waiting orders.

Jhope is doing his job with his laptop while sitting on top of the car bonnet. Jimin is in the verge of killing just like Jungkook. He help Suga to get the professor and I can tell he broke the bastard nose.

"Hello baby..." I don't know how would Jin react to this.

"I know what happen Jonnie. Just bring him back. I'll wait for you and my baby here."

"We are doing our best baby. Bye."

I hung the call when jhope call us to be closer. It means he got something.

"Park Bogum-turn out he is a son of our rival mafia gang. You remember when this bastard father tried to make either if you married his daughter? Bogum is his son but never actually in the frame because he is not very interested in ruling the mafia but once in a while will take an assassin job for his father."

Hobi explain and all of us looking lost for a second. I know everyone including my self was self guilt because non of us bother to check his background.

"Alright, we will attack them. Suga, Jimin and Jhope you guys will enter from behind, me, Gguk and RM will enter to the front door. Kill everyone but try to take his father and Bogum alive. We have Tae today no matter what!" Jungkook is ready to take lead of this mission.

We will have Tae to day no matter what.

He round up our men to explain on the mission we will go in a few minutes.

"You are here my trusted men, today's mission is to save the Donna of the mafia! How stupid this people, thinking they can play with us! Let's show them the ghost mafia is not the one to play with!" the men cheered and ready to go after being divided into 2 groups.

"Hello Jinnie, we are going.. Please stand by the doctors at the hospital in case of any emergency after this."

"I understand Joonie, be careful. Bring my baby back please..."

Jinnie is breaking, I know, me too but as his dad I have to be strong and take him back.

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