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Bogum :

It has been 2 days since Taehyung absence from school and I can't even reach him on his cell. I did tried to ask, if the professor knew the reason but he seems not so comfortable to talk about him. I am not going to give up now, the office might know something about it.

"Hai, Madam Louise." The old lady has been working here for as long as I know.

"Yes, do you need any help?"

"Yes, I am wondering if Kim Taehyung informed anything about his absence?"

"And..you are?"

"I'm his classmates."

"His family only said that he is unwell. That was all."

"Owh.. Thank You, I was just worried since I can't get through his phone." With I leave the office. Maybe I should visit him? I did have his home address.

I made a stop to a flower shop to get some flowers and a get well soon card for him. I'm sure he will be happy to have it. I choose a bouquet of red roses for him, maybe he can get a hint about my feelings for him?

I stop by the address and it is quite a big house with a few sports car and expensive cars parked outside. Taehyung told me that he is from a normal family but this doesn't seem like it. Is it the wrong address? I checked again.

(I don't remember if I have ever describe Namjoon and Jin before, but if I did and it's not the same please forgive my lazy ass.)

A guard is placed outside.

"Hai, is this Kim's resindence?"

"Yes, what do you need?"

"I am Kim Taehyung's friend, come to visit him because I heard he is unwell."

He needs permission from Taehyung parent's to let me in, and after checking my Id he let me in and I drove my car inside.

After knocking on the door, a tall handsome open the door.

"Hai.. I am Kim Namjoom, Taehyung's father."

What?! I thought he is his brother or something. I smile awkwardly and take his hands.

"Who is it Joonie?" Another man come, who look equally beautiful and handsome.

"Tae's friend come to visit."

"This is my husband and Taehyung's mom." Okey, both of them look so young to be his parents. I know Tae told me once the he is adopted but man its like they really gave birth to Taehyung. Their good looks really match Taehyung beautiful face. What kind of family is this? I was expecting mid 50's men as his parents. At what age that they start to raise him? Or maybe its the genetic?

Kim Seokjin, that the man that claim to be Taehyung mother, and he really have the motherly vibes. They invited me in offered me a seat and thats when the twin men I saw before come out of a room and they don't look very friendly.

"I don't think he wants to meet him or even ready to meet anyone." One of the twin said with a stern face.

"Gguk, how about we ask Tae if he want to?" His mother said.

"What if he can't and emotionally disturb again?" This Gguk guy try to protest while his twin was just being quiet and leans against the wall.

"Gguk, Tae is getting better now. Jin was right, maybe we should ask him first." His father try to reasoned now. Who the is this guy? His brother? It is so obvious that he is very possessive over Taehyung.

I tried to behave my best because If I want to have Taehyung, might as well start with his family.

"I am sorry for my brother rudeness, he is just protective of our boyfriend. I will go and ask Taehyung if he wants to meet you. " The other twins who has been with the wall drop the bomb so casually, but I think I misheard as 'our' boyfriend. It can't be...right?

I made a mental note to ask him later. The situation was too tensed right now.

He left and come back with blank face.

"He would like to see you. This way, I show you his room." The blank face twin is very calm but quiet intimidating.

I follow that guy to a white door and before he open the door.

"You heard me right, WE are his boyfriend, lover and he is our future husband. Bare that in mind before you tried to hint him anything with the roses. "

He is intimidating and I am not that shaken up when I am always surround by the gangster my whole life. He opened the door and I see Taehyung sitting on his bed while eating some bread and watching TV.

"Hai Gummie! Thanks Kookie..."

"Don't talk to much love, rest well if you want to attend college soon."

This Kookie guys leans in and kiss Tae's forehead and it really burn my eyes.

When he is about to leave, Taehyung pull his hand. "Are you leaving? With Ggukie?"

"No..love, I'll wait for you outside."

I gritted my teeth looking at that and J don't like it one bit. Before he walk out he smirk at me, purlosely sending his glare afterwards.

"Wow! You never told me about your boyfriends before? They are HOT!"

I have to play my nice card for now because I need to plan something to have him by myself.

Taehyung blush at my statement.

"Thank you for visiting me."

"Here you go, I hope it's not too cheezy. I don't know what should I bring apart from notes." I handed the flowers and the note to him. He seem genuinely happy.

"You are so kind Gummie! I have been worried about the missing classes. You save me! And the flowers are beautiful too!"

Tae smile happily smelling the flowers. He is stunningly beautiful. The red roses are nothing compared to him.

I told him that I should go home first because my feelings are unsettled from the shocked so I need to go.

I was about to hug him like we always did before departed but Tae lean back and his face shows slight fear so I tried to cover the pain.

"I guess you don't want to get me infected right?" I scratched the back of my head awkwardly.

After waving goodbye, I made my way out after thanking Tae's parents, holding in my anger.

I drove very fast. Its the first time in my life that I ever felt this way for someone. Taehyung, the first real love for me, is taken and he is even shaken up from my touch. Just what the hell happen to him in this 2 days?!

Did they force themselves to him?

But, Tae look fine when that Kookie guy kiss his forehead, he don't even let the guy go. What happened that he suddenly pushing people away.

They did argue about his readiness to meet people when I first arrive, Ggukie obviously possessive and don't want me to meet him but Kookie guy look more rational and mature.

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