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I didn't even try to call Tae while I was away. My motherly instinct told me that the three of them are working on solving their complicated relationship. It is obvious the twins fall in love with Tae.

Its all up to him, I know he is clueless about everything. I pity my baby bear, it must been hard to choose and I feel bad for one of the twins when Tae choose between them.

Or... Maybe Tae didn't like any of them right?

Oh well.. I don't know, I should just be there to suport him whatever his decision is.

Namjoon and I stop by the headquarters to attend the meeting regarding the lost shipment in the morning and we headed home right afterwards.

I miss my bear so much!

Reaching home, the hall was quiet but the shoes are here. Then I saw my baby Tae coming out of the kitchen, like he just woke up.

"Baby! I miss you darling." I kiss both his cheek and hug him again and that's when I notice all the traces from his jaw to his reveal shoulder because he is wearing his baggy sleeping shirt.

"I miss you too mom." He smile at me but my eyes are not leaving the hickeys on his neck.


"Whats wrong baby, why are you shouting?" Namjoon come running after he heard me shouting.

I just point my fingers and Namjoon eye widen. Tae is looking clueless.

"What is hickey? What is on my neck?" Tae touch his neck and look at his hand.

"Owh.. You're back hyung?" Jungkook casually walk out of Tae's bedroom like nothing happened.

"So...its Jungk..." my words got cut off when Jungguk walk out of Tae's bedroom looking messy.

I just stans there clueless, with Namjoon who is scratching his head not because of itchiness.

"Three of you! Couch now! But... Go clean yourself first. 10 minutes!"

Meanwhile I head to my bedroom to put all my begs and to collect myself altogether beacause honestly I am guessing something more wild.

"Baby... What are you thinking?"

"Tae neck is full of hickeys which means he's not my innocent little beans anymore, second who did he choose actually? It looks like...."

Joonie cut my sentence.

"Don't think about it much, just accept who ever it is but I believe it's s one of the twins so you don't have to worry. Try to be supportive, I don't want Tae to think that you are not approving his choice. Okey?" Joonie hug me from the back feeling his warmth really make me feel good and better. He is right about it.

I know Joonie cares about Tae alot like I do, and he knows how broken Tae was and how sensitive his feelings is right now.

Tae is sitting in between Jungguk and Jungkook while me and sit accross them. Tae looks nervous but not Jungguk and Jungkook, they are calm and relax. Maybe because of their background as a mafia, no one can easily shake them down.

"While I was away, what had happened? And don't try to lie to your mother."

Tae is playing with his finger, looking down and I see a faint blush on his cheek.

"While both of you were Tae got himself boyfriends."

Gguk speak up because Tae is a shy mess right now.

"Oh really! Finally! Wait.... Gguk, I thought I heard boyfriends and not a boyfriend?"

"You heard him right Jin hyung." Its Kook this time. I hate how calm this kids can be.

"WHAT! So... Both of you?!"

Gguk just shrug, Kook noded, Namjoon chuckle.

He chuckle?

"Babe, I kinda figure it out when both of them came out of Tae's bedroom."

I look at one person who hasn't said a word.

"Bear.... Is it true?"

Tae lift up his face, red as tomato, biting his lips and nod.

But suddenly I see tears. My bear is crying.

"I'm sorry.. I know its disgusting to fall in love with two persons. If you don't like it, I won't be with them just don't throw me away."

Tae, said pleading and the twins immediately hug him--try to calm him.

"Love, there is no way me and Gguk going to leave you but you should also know nobody here think you're disgusting." Jungkook cup his face softly and kiss his forehead.

"Jungkook is right kid. It is not, we are happy and what matters is that you happy." Namjoon said.

I take my place next to Tae and the twins gave us some space.

"Look at me darling, I'm your mom. You happiness is everything to me. You're not disgusting, you're just special. I didn't hate you nor want you out of here. I'm just shocked, that's all."

"You didn't hate me?"

"No darlings."

I turn my head to the twins and give them a glare.

"You mess with him, you deal with me. Got it?"

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