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I woke up to a pitch black, I know I'm not going blind but blided with a cloth. Its a bed... I'm on a bed, my hand tied to the bed. It hurts....

Scared.... That's all I feel right now. Why again? Why its always me? What did I do?

Bogum.... Bogum did this and Professor but why?! Why Bogum want to hurt me?

Gukkie... Kookie.... Please... Someone save me... Please...

What will they do to me? R....ra..rape me?

"No! No......!!! HELP! HELP! HELP!" I shout.. Screamed my heart out. Hoping for someone to hear me and save me.

I don't want to get through that again. Please... I can't take it anymore...

The sound of an open door startle me.
"Whose there? Please..let me go..." I beg.

"Baby..... You are safe here with me..don't cry baby..."

A touch on my cheek make me flinch back. This voice, I knew it so well.

"You break my heart baby, I just want caress your beautiful face because now, you are mine, baby.... Mine only.."

My body start to shiver, I'm never gonna see my beast again? My family?


"baby... You know its me... Surprise!"
He said an release the bind that cover my eyes.

After a while adjusting my eyes to the light I shoot daggers eyes to Bogum.

"awww baby.. You're adorable like that.." he laugh like a maniac. I never knew Bogum could acted like this.

"You are now my lover, you will live here and learn to love me baby and we will get married. Its a nice plan right?"

Bogum sit next to me trying to touch me again but I spit on his face out of anger and scared not being able to return home.

Than a hard slap on my face make me fall to the side and I start crying again.

"That's going to teach you a lesson right. Behave yourself and I'll treat you like a princess you are but be bitch and I turn you into slut."

"please bogumie... Please...in the name of our friendship... Please... Let me go back to my family.."

He laugh like a sick person he is.

"You only want to go back to be a whore for your Jungguk and Jungkook right? How can a person loves two? A trio? Nonsense with them you're nothing but sluts!"

A can feel his hand on my thigh going up and down but I froze there like a statue.

"You know... The boys you whore yourself for. They will leave you, of course they don't love you. Its all a lie to have your body. I never see anyone who is willing to share their lover. Let me ask you... Can you share them with anyone else because damn your boys got look and deep pockets!"

His word... I share my beasts? Sharing them with someone else? No...I can't.. Never...

So..its true? They didn't lov.... No! No! Bogum is trying to play with me. He wants to confused me, pulling me away from them. I should remeber what dad told me.

I shouldn't look down of all their love for me. Even if the twins don't want me. I still have to get back to my parents.. My brothers. They must worried for me.

"Even if they don't love me or throw me away. I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU! What makes you think I will be yours? Even if they are dead, I'll never be yours.. Never..."

I don't know from where my little bravery come from to speak to him like that but I'm sure it's from dad..Namjoon...

Bogum looks angry, my plan backfired when I hope he will let me go when I said that turn into he is cutting my clothes until I'm naked.

"You think so? Think again...."

Bogum hand travel all over my body and I don't like it one bit. Disgusting.

His tongue travel from my neck to mu nipple where he suck them harshly, abusing them.


He didn't listen and continue to do it where his hand travel to my length as he play with it, trying to wale him but it didn't work. He look piss at me and that's when his desperation to make me feel needy end up with he is sucking my length.

While his tongue caressing me from inside of his mouth he squeeze lube on his finger and start to insert his finger inside.


"Please what baby? I can see you are feeling good now... You want me?"

"Whhha... What did you do? Lube... What lube.. Ahhhhh...."

"You need something inside your hole baby? Do you need me?"

I squirm on the bed holding in the itchiness inside of me. Shaking my head to deny the thoughts of asking bogum for help but my consciousness help me.


I met with another slap but not on my face but at my harden length and it hurt so much.

"What do you say? WHAT?! UNGRATEFUL BITCH!"

He keep on slapping my length and inner thigh until it turns bloody red and I'm crying at the painful feeling. Its unbearable at this point.

"Sto... Stop.. Pl... Please..."

Bogum grab me by my hair and pull my face towards him. His face..with the devilish eyes scared me to the bones that I noded to him.

"Watch your mouth.... Or I do worse..."

I feel my body shiver of fear, his threat got into me.

After a slap on my face he orders me to got on all four and pleasure him with my mouth and again he add more lube to my bottom hole making me cry of the pain and itch.


I follow his order but my bottom was shaking and all I can hear is his laugh.

"what do you need? SPEAK!" another hard slap.

"help me.. Its itchy... Please..."


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