23 (M)

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It feels so good to return home and be with Taehyung again. This is the first time we were apart since we became lovers. I still remember Taehyung sulking before me and Gguk depart.

Our return was supposed to be a surprised but we ended up being surprise when we see a boy that seems too close to him. Acting like his boyfriend and I don't like it one bit. A hand around his shoulder and sometimes playing with his hair. Who is he?

Gguk doesn't like it when Tae being the center of the whole college but I kind of predicted it happens because of his beauty, not that I don't mind, as long as they don't come close, its fine with me.

It is a different case when people are just admiring from afar than the people who think they might have the chance and making a move on him.

Its just a good thing Tae is oblivious to this kind of situation.

"Love, who is your friend at the college when we fetch you?" I asked him while we were having ice cream at our apartment.

"Ohh... That's Bogumie, he is my classmate and first I make friends with."

So I was right about Tae being oblivious about Bogum's feeling because I am sure the whole college can see it.

"Are you very close to him baby?" Gguk asked Tae who is sitting on his lap.

"I've known him for a few months now. He is always nice to me."

Tae talks so casually about him, so I didn't sense any secret that Tae might hide from us. Its not that I don't trust him but I am afraid if he is being bully or disturb but won't tell us.

"Do you miss us baby?" Gguk is distracting Tae signaling me to play along.

Tae hug Gguk and peck his lips.
"How about me Love?"

I open my arms and Tae come to my lap where he hug and pecks my lips. I saw Gguk taking Tae's phone and left to the toilet.

"Where did Ggukie go?"

"He's in the toilet love, no worries, we wont leave you, love...ever..." my hand caressing his soft face innocence face.

I couldn't hold and capture his lips in mine, kissing his soft plum lips sending my love and lust for him. Tae kissed back with the same passion, lust fill his kiss. He moans every time I lick and suck his neck down to his sensitive spot.

My hand supporting his back and waist because Tae's is in a different dimension where I see lust in his eyes. His hand fisting my hair and the other one holding my shoulder for support with his nail dug into my skin.

Tae's face flush red with wet swollen red lips--with that view alone, I can feel my harden throbing boner getting angry inside my pants.

"You guys should wait for me." Gguk said coming out from the toilet.

"Ggukie...." Tae whine with grabby hand and return to Jungguk's lap.

Jungguk lick Tae's lips and he open his mouth for Jungguk to enter. While my twin brother savoring Taehyung's lips, I continue to leave mark from the back of his ear, down to his neck and his shoulder.

Taehyung moaning non stop until.......

"ahhh....aum....something COMING!" His body shivering releasing his white cum in his pants. he body become limb in our hold and we lay him back. Usually Tae will fall asleep after cumming but not this time so me and Gguk decide to continue but I know we still need Tae's permission.

"Love..... do you want to keep going?" He smile and nodded weakly to us.

I kiss his already swollen lips and my hand abusing his pink nipples then slowly my tongue took over his red nipples. Tae bring his chest up with a moan when I suck on his nipple and my free hand keep playing with the other one.

Jungguk on the lower side is taking off Tae's pants releasing his pink looking member. Its the first time ever we seeing it and damn it is very sexy and beautiful. His precum is making their way out from all the pleasure he is feeling right now.

Jungguk kiss his hard boner and pump it with his hand and Tae moan even louder, its a good thing that its only us in here. Tae is a mess right now but a sexy looking mess, not even a single string on his body and his face shows that his mind is cloudy with lust right now.

Jungguk is teasing Tae's harden member licking and sucking while I shifted from his nipple to his bottom.

I shifted Tae's position on all four to make it easy for me to explore his anal virginity. I gulp at the view, looking at his tight ring clenching when the air hit his bottom. I become hungry to taste his bud.

Nervously, I grab those beautiful red cheecks and pull it open revealing more view of Tae's rose bud. I lick it and Tae moan at it.

"arhhhh....its....dirty....don't.." Tae squirm at the feeling.

"stay love...stay..you are delicious." I gain more confidence and continue my tongue at his ring, Tae is a moaning mess when his front and back being pleasure at the same time. I need to properly loose his ring its going to be painful.

I pour lube on his hole and Tae's shiver at the coldness. Gguk are now playing with Tae's ring--he slowly insert his finger in Tae's tight hole, repeating the same process in and out, then he is ready I put in my finger in.

"Is it hurt baby?" Gguk ask Tae. "Do you want us to stop?" I continue.

"No....ahhh...sting a bit but don't stop." With that we continue our thrust and Gguk put in another finger.

"Ahhhhhh.....there..." I can see his toes curled from the pleasure.

"....hmmmm....no..." Tae whine when we pull out the fingers. I allign my hard throbing member at his tight ring and slowly insert the tip first and after a few second I slowly push in all of my 11 inches inside him.

"Ohh....ah.....oh my......"Tae is breathing heavily after receiving the whole of me inside him--Gguk help him to forget the pain by kissing him. When Tae look more calm I start moving in and out slowly. He is a virgin, I don't him to feel traumatize but I want him to feel love.

"Is it good love?" He nodded even when his lips is being eaten by Gguk.

"Gguk..." I call to him. Gguk release Tae's lips and again I shift Tae's position to ride me. Gguk put more lube on his member and slowly push the tip in while I am still inside.

Tae's eye wide at the feeling having two dicks in him. "Slowly Gguk, let him adjust first before you push all in." I told Gguk.

Tae let his body to fall on me, allowing me to distract the pain by exploring his neck and sensitive spot.

I noded at Gguk as a sign for him to continue.

We make love with our beautiful lover, finally become one with him and the feeling is amazing--the sex of course out of this world. Me and Gguk make sure Tae's feel the most pleasure-- we thrust in and out of him and he receive us so well until his body shivers.

"Ahhhhhhh.....I'm.....CUM....." Tae release his cum on my chest and after that me and Gguk start to chase for our own orgasm--thrusting a bit more faster that cause Tae to come again, the same time with us.

"No...no....I cum again...arggghhhh." Tae moan and shout louder this time, his hole is sensitive after he cum the first time.

"You were amazing Love, perfect." I kiss his temple and Tae's immediately fall asleep on me.

"Did he fall asleep?" Gguk ask.

"Yes" I chuckle at his cuteness and Gguk just shake his head.

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