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"Now I pronounced you Jeon Jungguk, Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Taehyung are married to each other."

It was surreal for me. Finally, I'm going to be happy? Forever? A kiss on both of my cheeck bring me back to reality.

"Baby... Don't cry, its our happy day." Jungguk rub his thumb, wipe my tears.

Jungkook hands on my back rubbing it slowly. I look at the their eyes, they hold so much love and this isn't the first time I saw it.

I can't say I'm just lucky but more like I deserve this after much suffering so I should be shamless and enjoy every happy moments I have. That's what my mom told me! He is the best ever!

After a lot arguement and obstacles about my wedding of the year as Jimin hyung said, it now done. Mom and Jimin hyung is the most important person in my wedding. They manage everything while the rest just follow instructions obediently if they don't want to be scolded.

Some are new faces from distant family as my husbands tried to introduce as much as possible for me ans and I tried my best to remember them all.

"Why is he getting both of them? I have been coating the twins since high-school!" I heard voices coming from a group of girl, if I remember, the cousins.

"I heard he has no family here, maybe just a sluts they brought home and fall in love but I'm sure they throw him when they get bored." and they laugh.

"Its their jealousy talking... You know your husbands better right?" Dad suddenly appeared out of no where and whispered to me and when I turm to look at the girls again, I saw mom Jin already giving lecture to thw girls but the girls look frightened instead of sorry. I think he is threatening them too.

The view just make my heart full.

The twins are talking to their uncle name Jae if I'm not mistaken and the conversation seems to take turn into business.

I just smile amd shake my head to show I am not affected by their words.

"I'm fine dad, the old me would cry by now." I chuckle a bit. "But not anymore, mom give new confidence in me, he has developed a new Taetae!"

Dad Joon laugh is always manly. "That's your mom bear, and why I love him so much!"

We are getting ready for our honeymoon after all the guest went home. The guests invited are just close friends and families of the Jeon because I don't have anyone from my side but I'm still grateful.

"You are married now, you have your husbands and I believe they will take care of you but if they don't...." Mom Jin glare at my husbands. "I'll cut their dick myself."

"They wouldn't dare to do that. Right?" Hobi hyung said while also glaring at them sending his warning in the sentence. Jimin too send his death glare and Suga hyung noded in agreement.

"What did we do wrong?" Jungguk ask unsatisfied. Jungkook smiles, he looks glad.

"You have a big family now baby. Your mom amd and brothers make me and Gguk sign a blood contract for your sake. Not even a drop of tear or they'll cut....." and he pointed at his manhood.

"Its funny how Jungguk and Jungkook were once our baby brother and now they are potential enemy. You rip the tittle from them bear." Dad said.

I giggle and the rest of the group laugh.

Namjoon hyung or my new dad and my hero and will forever have a special place in my heart. I am connected to him in a special bond even though we didn't talk much. He is the one who understand me the most, who never fail to make safe  when he is near, who can read my every look. He is my hyung, my best friend and a great father.

After a river of tears, finally we are off to our honeymoon which I don't really know where since its a surprise for me.

I woke up as soon as we landed and it is basically an island. A big one with a big mansion on top of the small looking mountain surrounded by forest and I can hear like a sound of water fountain behind.

"Whose house is this? Its big and beautiful!"

I run towards, excited to see the beautiful scenery surrounded by jungles but the house was quite modern.

"Careful Angel."

Approaching I see a few peoples at the door and I became a bit hesitant. Then I feel hands on my waist hold me tightly where my husbands already on my sides giving me a supportive hold.

Together we walk approaching the big mahogany door of you ask me. There is a few men with great build wearing all black and earpiece and also women wearing maids uniform bowed their heads to us.

"James... Tight security, only allow our current circle. Inform me of any strange activities. " Jungkook gave orders.

The man called James noded. "Yes Master."

"Maid, bring all of our luggage inside the room." Jungguk gave orders too.

"Make sure everything is clean including the pool and and hot spring. Prepare our dinner."

"Whose house is this?" I asked.

"Its our vacation house baby, now lets go and have a rest."

Suddenly my leg is on the air when Jungguk carry me in bridal style and bring me inside the house and to our room which is on the third floor.

The room is extremely beautiful with glass wall that look over the forest. Its all green and at the far corner of the forest I can see a waterfall.

I am now officially Jeon Taehyung, husband to both Jeon Jungguk and Jeon Jungkook. The love that I used to doubt will be forever mine, will be forever mine bacause I will fight for it.

The families I have is very loving, they maybe in the mafia but they know how to love and they are the true family in my life.

The End

Bonus Chapter soon!!

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