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We met up with Jhope, Suga and Jimin at the airport, and Taehyung look so happy to meet them. I know, he has been feeling lonely when all of us were busy with the mafia the last couple of weeks.

None of us were able to spend time with him and I'm sure his sensitive heart has been feeding lie to him.

We are in the first class sit where only 10 seats available and we booked them all of us.

"Where are we going Kook?" Tae can't hide his happiness. I have been watching hin closely since this morning.

"It's a surprise love." Jungkook who I know always keeping a stern face smile at his lover.

All the seating is a couple seat so the trio have to be separated. Tae is sitting on Jungkook lap while playing video game and Jungguk is at the middle line couple seat watching movies.

JHope, Jimin, Suga and Jin are asleep. I just can't get my eyes to shut plus I feel like I need to protect the group if everyone fall asleep.

A flight attendant enter behond the curtain while pushing her trolley to serve lunch. She is a flirt, winking at me and bending her body so much with too any loose button to make a show. She's lucky Jin is sleeping or.... She's dead.

She place Tae and Jungkook's lunch and roll her eyes. She's jealous of Tae for sure.

"Mr. Jungguk, your lunch is serve. Do you want some wine to go with it or maybe a company?"

Same body gesture to seduce, her voice with a slight purr.

Both Jungkook and Tae are looking their way and Tae doesn't look please.

"GET YOUR DIRTY HAND OFF MY MAN!" Tae's voice full with venom.

He jump off Kook and sit on Jungguk instead.

She looks confuse and keep looking at Jungkook.

"Both are mine! BITCH!"

Tae then kiss Jungguk with lust like as a show to her. She is shock and left but not before mumble a slow 'Manwhore' which me, Jungkook and Jungguk heard.

Tae heard it too but he didn't respond.
She pass through me while Jungkook is staring at her.

I nod at him and follow her behind the curtain, where the preparation is made.

I push her body to the cabinet and this slut thought I am here to fuck her.

"You want me now?"

"Why would I want a slut? I....."
My word being cut off when Jin appears.

"My man wouldn't want trash like you and you just hurt our baby so..."

Jin slapped her so hard about 10 times while I keep her mouth shut.

"You think I don't know what you did? You are lucky we are not the ground or I will surely torture you to death. But who knows what the twin might done to you?"

The blonde flight attendant turn pale and she start beging not to hurt her.

Before we let her go since not much we can do on board. I whisper in her ear.

"You just mess with the devil."

Returning back to my seat.

"I really want to kill that bitch!" His hand squeezing mine in anger and frustration because she flirts with me and because she hurts our bear.

I turn to face my husband, and take his lips into a love kiss, sweet, a bit rought with a sprinkle of lust. Knowing him, that's the only way to distract and calm his ass down. I don't want this long awaited vacation ruin by some unworthy bitch.

I heard a moan which doesn't belong to Jin but without looking I know its Tae's. Seems like the twins is doing the same thing.

After a few more hours we landed and take a boat to an island which belong to the Jeon's.

Everyone take a rest in their own room before dinner time

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Everyone take a rest in their own room before dinner time.

Jungguk, Tae and Jungkook are in one room which Jin don't agree at first because he feel pity on Tae's ass but Tae wanted to stay with them so Jin loose the pout.

"Relax babe.. Just imagine. 2 weeks he was left alone, with a word busy. Not just by them but us too. So let him be.. He miss his Jungguk and Jungkook so much."

Jin was still a bit reluctant about the situation so I have to help him understand.

"Yes, I know... I can see it when he barely sit on the chair and always od either Jungguk or Jungkook's lap. I know he misses them so much. Just I can't help but see him as my baby that need protection."

I can't deny his feelings because the truth is I am feeling the same but I didn't let my emotions to decide for me instead I do base on Tae's feelings.

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