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To what deeds I have done to have such amazing people in my life? They are all very supportive of me, my parents, boyfriends and friends. Countless times that they prove of their love for me and I am forever feeling grateful to them. So far life has been so amazing for me, college, love life, families, everything is perfect that it scared me if someday I am to lose all of them.

However, I am always feeling bothered of their work. I know Jin own the club but it looks like he earn more than that. I have never questioned Namjoon hyung work, though I have a feeling that he and Jin are working together. I am afraid to ask because I don't want them to hate me.

My minds going wild with thoughts and wonders. Sometimes I catch my boyfriends together with Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Suga, J Hope talk about business and from my understanding, they all work together. But their conversation always in a hush like a crime talk and sometimes Namjoon and Jin would have some business late night.

One day, I even notice like blood pattern on Namjoon and Jungguk shirt but they are quick to roll up their sleeves when they notice I was staring. My curiosity is raising higher and higher but it do scare me as I don't know what's waiting for me.

Lately, this kind of thoughts are filling my mind that I find it hard to focus on my study in the library luckily I can do well in class or I will be doom and mom is going to slaughter me...

Another reason I can't focus in the library is because of the gossip girls who talked about boys and sex most of the times, sometimes I even heard them talk about me. Its disgusting.

"My new boyfriend is in a mafia gang!"

"Isn't it dangerous? Is he hot?"

" Hot as hell! Great body!" Urghhh this girls is disgusting!!

"How do you guys met?"

"In the club last night and we hook up straight away!"

"Which gang?" The other girl ask excitedly and I am somehow waiting to know.

"I don't know, he won't tell me. I came to find out because of his gun." Their topic pull my interest but no way will I join the gossip girls.

"Are you his girlfriend or one of his hook up only?" This is girls sure are wild.

"I don't care either, I don't want to end up dead just because I date a gangster. He sure has a lot of enemy and who knows when they are going to kill him. Its for fun girls!"

Giggling like what they just talk about is something innocent.

The truth is, I have assume that all of them belong to a gang, I know that my parents and boyfriends are not your everyday business man. The accident of here and there when they fail to properly cover up lead me to an answer. Mafia...

Back in the days, when I was still living in that hell. A bunch type of people come in and out either for gambling or picking up packages.

I know those men who pick up a package everytime is in a gangster. They always talked in the living room and dad convinced them it is save to talk with my presence because I am too stupid to understand anyway.

Goong Mafia, that the mafia group who always come to my house. I wonder what's group my families are in? Are they powerful?

It's hurt when I know they are hiding this from me. Maybe their thoughts are like my old parents before--Maybe I'm too stupid to understand.

Am I that weak? Or they don't trust me enough. Maybe I'm just not important to them. All of this self hurting words are killing me inside everyday.

The lies that they made up to my face not knowing that I know hurt me so much because they are most important people in my life but...

I am already felt left out because everbody have been very busy including the twins. Even when they visit, its to meet Namjoon and Jin.

I never once beg them for attention because I am afraid that they would think that I'm a burden.

Semester break is tomorrow and its been 2 weeks that my parents has been going out early morning and return late night. Its been a week since the last a saw my boyfriends. Just occasional text message about having meal and how are you, that's all.

Maybe, they have grown tired of me. Maybe this is the end.

If I were gone, would they even notice?

I am in my room, doing nothing thinking about what should I do tomorrow? Maybe I should ask Bogum out?

TaeTae: Bogumie want to go out tomorrow?

Bogum: Your boyfriends still busy? Like both of them?

TaeTae: yeah... Mmm...

Bogum: Tae...sorry to say this.. Are you sure they didn't cheat on you?

TaeTae: They wouldn't... It's okey if aren't.

I hate it when Bogum keep saying that my boyfriends cheated on me because I am afraid if its true. I have been wondering when my luck going to end, now I know that its ending.

It hurts....


I cry alone in my room until darkness consume and take me to dreamland.

Regain my consciousness which I don't want to because I will be back into reality when I am having a good dream with Jungguk and Jungkook.

Waking up means I will be alone again, to make it worst its holiday means no school or assignments to keep me busy.

Please.... Let me fall asleep again.

I am still feeling Jungkook's chest I slept on and Jungguk tight hug on my waist in my dream.

"Love... Wake up..." Then I heard it. Jungkook's voice. Is this dream or reality?

I can feel his finger on my cheeck, it feel so real. I open my eyes slowly to meet Jungkook's beautiful eyes and smile which I miss so much then I turn around to see Jungguk still sleeping while hugging me from the back.

That's it....I never thought to feel this again. I am prepared to be left but they returned.

I cry... Tears of happiness... I cry so much out of relief. Maybe.. Just maybe there is still hope for me.

"What... What happen? Love why are you crying?"

My cry even wake Jungguk from his sleep.

"Baby.. Baby... Why...shhh...tell us baby..." Jungguk rub my back.

"shh calm down love... We are here.. Its ok..." Jungkook pull me on his lap and I hide my face on his chest--Jungguk keep kissing the back of my head.


Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung burst into my room with panic. Even they are here, I still have my parents too! I cry louder.

"Tae, what's wrong?" Namjoon hyung sit on the bed side and I am quick to hug him.

"You have us Tae, whatever it is, you have us to be with you, to love you and to protect you." Namjoon hyung always have a way and I am always feeling calm with him.

I look at his eyes and noded.

"Tae bear, give your mom a hug. I miss you so much!" Mom said and I happy to have him again.

"Let's get ready!" Mom said.

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