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Its just a normal day when both of us are not needed in the underworld, we will help Hana at Jeon Corporation.

Our secretary enter our room after being call by Jungkook with a few files in her hands.

Her name is Mdm Gabby, dad's former secretary and she knows about our identity in both worlds. Dad trust her plus she has been working with us for as long as I can remember.

"Madam.. Is there anything you believe we should know about what happen in here apart from all the formalities paperwork?" Jungkook asked straight away.

"Yes, there is. Currently Hana is in a close relationship with the head of account department's son."

"Any issues? Name? Must be a reason when you brought up the issue." Madam Gabby is also a straight forward person. She is not afraid to say something she thinks is not right.

"His name is Han Dong and is known for being a playboy. My spies in the department said that, Mr. Han Jae, the head department is doing some digging on Jeon Corporation accounts to find out if we are related to the Jeon Mafia. If he found out any evidence, he plan to use it as a threat to have his son marrying Hana."

"Good work Madam Gabby. You shouldn't be at the secretary desk but on the field!" I complimented.

"Been there and I'm old enough boys, just want to rest and do a simple work like this to fill my day. By the way, Hana didn't know about any of this yet."

What worried me is how and why did he suspected us as the Jeon Mafia. Even when we have the same name, only people who do business underground knows about the Jeon.

Madam Gabby left the room to continue her work.

"How are we going to do this?" I asked Gguk.

"Call both of them and we settle this now."

After 30 minutes, Mr. Han with his son walk into our office as instructed and I don't like his expression one bit.

"We know what you were up to Mr. Han." I said while looking out of the window. Jungkook was always a watcher and only act when needed too.

"What do you mean?" I saw his smirking face even tough he is trying to avoid it. This bastard don't know who he is messing with.

"I thought I told you to come with your son?" This Han is relaxing and smiling thinking he is in the upper hand here.

"Apologize, he is on....." Suddenly, Gabby rush into the office and quick to whisper something to Jungkook. Jungkook rush out and I follow and that what I saw is not helping at all.

Han's son is holding a fainted Taehyung on his lap, Jungkook is quick to rush to them and push him aside. I asked Gabby what happened.

"He just fainted here. You should take him in first. I will guide both of them to the meeting room." Jungkook lift Taehyung bridal style and take him into our office.

"Gentleman, my guard will escort you to the meeting room and I will be with you shortly." With that I just left. I manage to whisper to Madam Gabby to not let them go and guard them all the time.

After they left with out guards Madam Gabby told me about what he saw.

"I saw him coming from the camera when the reception told me Mr. Kim Namjoon gave clearance for him to come up. He look fine but as soon as the door open, his eyes wide and fainted immediately like he is scared and shocked at the same time. When the elevator opened, he saw me and Mr.Han Dong. He never met me but Han Dong I'm not sure, I can feel there is a connection there." She explained his logic mind from years of experience being a spy for Jeon Mafia boss.

After thanking her I immediately get into the office to check on my baby.

"How is he?" I asked Jungkook.

"Still unconscious, I already called our doctor and Jin hyung." I told Jungkook what Madam Gabby told me outside.

"Actually my thoughts are going there too but I don't think asking Tae is a good option, he fainted just seeing a face." My thoughts are going wild. What did he do to our Tae that he ended up like this.

When I decided to confront the father and son, Jin and Namjoon rush inside with the rest if the me members. Jin hyung quick to be by Taehyung side.

"What happened?" Namjoon hyung the first one to asked and I explained everything to them.

"Han Dong's father work with Jeon Corp?!" Jin hyung said and I immediately knew that Madam Gabby suspicion is right.

"This is new to us, why we are not informed about this Han matter?" Suga hyung questioned.

"We only found out today from Madam Gabby and I am about to tell you when everything happened. " Jungkook explained.

"His body is getting hot." Said Jimin.

The doctor arrive escorted by Madam Gabby. He said Tae is having hot fever and he took proper action as a doctor to prevent Tae's condition from getting worse and the doctor put Tae to sleep to help his body rest. We were told to always check on temperature and to not too stress him out since Jin refuse to get him warded because he wanted to take care of him by himself.

"Hyung, do you know what happen between them?" Jungkook asked and I am getting impatient too but not just us. Jimin, Suga and Hobi hyung who is also close to Taehyung want to know.

"Han Dong, almost rape Taehyung at the club room once but we are lucky we manage to find before he can do further."

I am losing patience but Jungkook hands on my shoulder asking me to keep calm.

"What do you mean further? How far did they go?" Jungkook asked calmly but with venom in his voice.

"I'll tell you from the beginning. One day, Jin hyung went panic when he sees that Taehyung was not at his place. Guards inside the club were told to keep an eye on Taehyung and protect him at the same time. That's how, we kept him safe while working. One of the guard saw Taehyung went to use the club's public toilet when we always told him to used the one inside our office. We went to looked for him inside the toilet but he was gone so we look from the CCTV and we saw him been dragged inside one of the room and to answer your question, I'll show you."

Namjoon hyung take out his phone and show the scene from inside the room recorded using the CCTV that was hidden inside the room. Jimin, Hobi and Suga come forward to watch it but Jungkook stop them.

After watching that video, it is decided that Han Dong will be dead in our hand.

"Hyung, why are you not doing anything?" As a mafia member, Namjoon can kill him anytime but he didn't.

"I did beat him bad that night, inside that room. Just me beating him up to pulp, I didn't even let the guard do it because I want to do it by myself. I was so angry that time that I forgot that Tae was still there inside the room, I was about to kill him with a knife when Tae stop me. He begged me not to do it. That's why I didn't. Now, you know. The case is yours now. Its better we take him home first and you guys can continue, torture or kill him for all I care. After you are done, visit him first. I'm sure he will be looking for you as soon as he is awake."

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