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"Gguk?" both of us are having our breakfast when Junkook suddenly talk and I just look at him to respond to him.

"How about we take Taehyung out somewhere since we don't have anything plan today." A proposal I can never refuse.

"Good idea! I have been waiting for it too. Let me call Jin hyung!"

Excitedly I reach my phone to call Jin hyung and he agree to our plan but manage to send in his threat to us.

"If he comes back crying or unhappy, I will cut both of your balls. Understand?"

I make sure to tell Jungkook about the threat to give him the same chills I received from Jin hyung.

Both of us get ready with our casual clothing. Me with ripped jeans, denim jacket with white shirt and a timbs while Jungkook wearing an all black attire, black ripped jeans, black shirt with leather jacket and white shoes.

We decided to take our driver since we can't decide who will sit next to Tae in the car so now the three of us are sitting together at the back seat with tae in the middle.

"Tae, have you had your breakfast yet?" I asked him.

He is looking so cute with his blue hair and he is always shy and looking down.

"I had it with Jinnie and Joonie this morning."

"Is there anywhere you wish to go today? Anywhere or anything you want, we will take you." Jungkook said this time.

"N... Not really.. Nothing... I was just bored staying at home doing nothing and Jin hyung ask me if I want to go out."

"So... You don't like going out with us?" I said.

Taehyung shake his head and I can see blush on his cheeck.

"No... I didn't mean that. Sorry..."

"Don't be sorry baby bear.. ." Kook said and I like how it affect him.

We take him out for shopping, Taehyung don't want us to spend for him so it end up both of us choosing everything for him and Taehyung tried to complained about how he don't want us to get him anything but failed.

His eye went wide every time he heard the total amount at every shop we stop by.

"Thank you for the clothes, I will try to repay back the amount later. It will take sometime but I will try my best after Jin hyung allow me to get back to work." he said and it broke my heart.

"Tae, don't worry about this... We don't need you to pay us back. We wanted to spoil you." I said to him when his face showed worry.

"Baby bear, please accept all of this as a present from us if you don't want want us to get smack by Jin hyung later." Then... He chuckle.. His smile is beautiful, his happy face brought happiness to me and I know Jungkook feel the same by the way he look at him.

"Alright.. Thank you so much for all of it and for taking me out." he said while playing with his finger.

We got a bit closer while shopping for his clothes. He is as innocent as what Jin hyung told us, and very fragile indeed. He think so low of himself that he don't deserve happiness.

I wonder how bad is his life before that he became like this. Low self esteem, confidence level really low, and very very small. What did they do to him? How bad was it that Jin hyung not letting him back to his own parents?

When we were at the mall, we walked together with him in between me and Kook, people are staring and talking and I know that Tae is not comfortable especially when some girl are talking shit about him and men are starting at him with lustful eyes.

Me and jungkook was furious that we can't do a lot at the moment because we don't him to be scared of us but at least I'm glad Jungkook came up with an idea.

"Baby, let's get anything you want. Don't worry about anything okey." Jungkook wrapped his arm around Tae's shoulder.

Things are getting awkward with this stupid people, they are making Tae feelings uncomfortable I seriously can kill them right now. I'm glad Kook did that and he look at me and signal to do the same.

"That's right babe, it's your day and let us spoil you." I put my hand around Tae's waist. I manage to stare at the women who bad mouthing him.

"That slut... He don't deserve those hotties!! Disgusting!"

That's it! I know Tae heard it too, but before I can do anything Jungkook...

"Guys.... Go ahead, I need the rest room. Bear, stay close to Gguk okey?" I look at him in the eye and I know he's going to 'visit' those disgusting people.

Tae noded and he seriously look so little right now and I can feel the way he is holding my arm, he is looking for protection and I am glad to do so. I bring him close to me by pulling his body close to mine that he practically hugging me from the side.

"My babies are back!" Jin hyung voice bloom as soon as we enter the house.

"Tae baby.. Did you have fun? Did they take you for meal? Did they treat you right? Do I need to smack them with my wooden spoon? Or who do I need to kill?"

It is so obvious that Jin hyung love him more than us but we are able to see his smile that shows happiness and I'm glad that Jin hyung loves him.

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