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It's 3 in the morning and I am fucking sleepy. Why do mafia always have to do things at night? We are human not an owl aren't we? During the day we have to deal with a lot of shit and at night more shit to come. This shitty people really just need to die.

I sign Gguk to end it here, I just want to go home and sleep. Gguk added a few more kick to the men that make him spits more blood. Why don't they learned not to mess with us?

Me, Gguk and Namjoon hyung walk out from the deepest part of the park to go to our car when I heard a faint sound of someone, like shivering.

"Wait..did you hear that?" I stop both of them.

Them both try to listen to the sound carefully, and I am looking around trying to find the source of the sound.

"Yes, I heard it too." Gguk said.

"Yeah, me too.. Most likely coming from the la.... Owh shit! Please not..."

Suddenly Namjoon hyung run towards the lake, me and Gguk following behind. He looked around, his face shows worry which he never did except when its about Jin hyung.

"Shit it so dark!" he sounds frustrated.

"Why hyung? What are you looking for?"


"Him?" Both me and Gguk reply. I was thinking there is no way he would cheated on Jin hyung.

I take out a flash light that I brought in my side pocket and gave it to Namjoon hyung.

He took it and rush his way when he can see the surrounding more clearly. He seems to know where he is heading.

"Owh my god! TAE!" Namjoon hyung stop in front of a bench.

Then I saw it, a boy curled up on a bench shivering and unconscious. He is a small boy with petit and very skinny body.

Namjoon hyung try to wake him up by slapping his cheecks slowly.

"Hyung, he is unconscious, we have to move him its too cold here." Gguk said and Namjoon hyung immediately take off his jacket and cover the boy's skinny body.

"Hurry help me, I need to bring him home."

He lift the boy up and we headed to our car.

Inside the car, Namjoon sit at the back with the boy with Gguk driving. I never get to see his face because its dark apart from Namjoon is always hugging him to keep him warm.

"Hello baby? I found Tae in a park unconscious. Please call Dr. Hyun to come. I will be home in 10."

Based on the conversation, Namjoon hyung is not cheating and Jin hyung knows the boy too.

The atmosphere is so tensed. Me and Gguk has a lot of questions to ask but we hold it in first maybe later when everything has calm down.

Who is this boy? Why is he so important to Namjoon and Jin? Why we never knew about him before?

Gguk hold the same impression as I am.

"OH MY TAE BEAR! What happened Joonie?" Jin rush to us as soon as we open the door.

Namjoon hyung bring TAE, thats what I heard they call him, to the guest room.

"I found him unconscious in the park." Namjoon and Jin shared a look that didn't go unnoticed by me.

"May all of you wait outside while I do my job?" Dr. Hyun requested and all of us obey.

We waited in the hall and Jin hyung is crying and Namjoon hyung trying to calm him.

"My baby bear.. Why Joonie? Why? I'm going to kill them. They will not see the light of tomorrow." This is is the first that I see Jin hyung get so mad. Jin hyung is not someone who will kill easily except when it involve his home, his kitchen, his Joonie and the trusted circle.

"I'm with you on that, but for now let's focus on him."

"Hyung? Who is he?" I asked Jin hyung.

"For now, all you need to know that he is my baby, he is important to us both. If you need details, not now."

The doctor come out of the room after about an hour.

"Doctor...." Jin and Namjoon hyung stand up waiting for news.

"There are bruises on his face and body, mark on his wrist and ankle prove that he had been tied up for at least 2 days and left him without food or even water. If you found him a bit later it could get worse. His body is already malnourished, 2 day left unfed really taking a toll on his body. I already put him on drip to help his body gain energy quickly and I also put him to sleep for 3 days. Do you need a nurse for him? "

"I will take care of him myself, no need for nurse just tell me what to do." Jin hyung really care about this boy.

The doctor left after explaining everything to him. Me and Gguk followed the couple to the see the boy.

Under the bright light, he sleeps on the bed, he look like an angel, with a pale bruised face and skinny body he still look beautiful. I was stunned and speechless. Just where in the world Jin and Namjoon hyung manage to hide him.

My surrounding is quiet now, nothing else exist as I'm watching the angel sleep. Suddenly my mind recall what the doctor said, this boy is likely to be abused and I wanted to kill them just like what Jin hyung feel. They will get it for doing this to him.

Well Jungkook, it looks like you fall in love today.

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