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DAMN! Just when I'm about to take my chances they are back. SHIT!
They have been ignoring him, hurting him and now they are back and he accepted them just like that while I am the one who stayed with him when he was sad and depressed.


He is just a sluts for the twins, that's all he is.

I can't accept this at all. My mind has been planning on how to get him and teach him who he belong to.

He think he can use me whenever and leave whenever he please to get fuck. I will make him mine as my sluts.

"Sir, this is the information you asked for."

"Thank You, leave.."

I feel like killing right now.

I ordered my dad's people to look for information of all Tae's current parents including his boyfriends.

Kim Namjoon married to Kim Seokjin, owner of the famous night club, TOXIC.

Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Jungguk.

Thats it?! Seriously?!

Just who the hell is this people?

This mean only one thing. They are not common people, not your everyday family and I believe Tae didn't know about it.

Maybe... If Maybe I could find out who they are... Then I can play a different card on and he will come to me voluntarily instead of forcing him.

"Heyy... Its been long time since the last time I heard from you. What do you want?" The caller said right in not giving me chances to even say hello.

"Geez... Give me chance to talk." I roll my eyes at her feedback.

"Don't play with me... I know you need something from me. Shoot!"

"I need information about people, just tell me whatever you know." I say sitting down on my desk grabbing pen and paper in case I need to write it down.

"Ok.. I'm ready, names?" It means she is ready by her computer.

"Jeon Jungguk and Jeon Jungkook."

Her respond surprise me.


"Wh... Why..Who are they?"

I heard a long sigh at the end of line before she speaks up.

"Heard of Jeon. Corp? I believe, they are the heir of that company. And have you ever heard of Jeon mafia or the ghost?"

"Jeon Corp? I know Jeon Sunmi retired and his daughter took over, Jeon Hana. Dad ask my gay ass to seduce her but I never knew he had sons. Jeon Mafia.. Ghost? Are they even real?"

I asked her back. Doubt with the informations she gave, she is the spy of the underworld and my old friend but I don't think she lied either.

"Dude, your family own a mafia group even though you're not ready to take over at least keep yourself in the loop. Okay. The ghost is real.. Very real... I met them before but never see their face. I believe Jeon corp and Jeon mafia are from the same family. Its hard to gather info about them. "

Her explanations are too short and not very convincing to me. The logic is not there because why involve with the mafia when you have a very powerful corporation?

Maybe she got the wrong information this time. Jeon mafia maybe existed but not related to the Jeon corp.

From her information, I believe Jeon twins are from the Jeon Corporation family from the way they dressed up.

"I think you should check again your source, I met the Jeon twins but they don't look like a mafia at all."

"Fine.. Whatever float your boats. That's all the information I have anyway so you do the thinking in whatever you need it for. BYE!"

She just hung up on me.


A mafia going lovey dovey with a boy?


**boring chapter guys....

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