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It's my 1st day at college. Officially I am an art student at a very expensive looking college. I don't how hyung manage to get me enroll at this college but I'm happy with it.

The twins wanted to send me on my first day but Jin hyung insist that he is the one who will drop me off. After some arguement, they agree that my boyfriends will pick me up after I'm done.

After a crying session by emotional Jin hyung after I sign up officially at the office--my 1st say finally going to start.

"Hai... I'm Soora, the head student from art department. Nice to meet you."

She introduced herself to me. I am not used to new people,

"Kim Taehyung right? Don't worry I'll show you, your class, the cafe and mostly the places you need to know."

This lady seems nice so far.

"Thank you so much for doing this."
I said politely.

"No worries."

She showed me how to read the timetables, where are the classes, café, the toilet and libraries where the whole college will share.

This college is damn big, look like an old castle but the inside is very modern.

Jin and Namjoon hyung must have paid fortune for this so I want to make them to be proud of me.

It's break time and everyone is heading for the cafe. I feel hungry too because during breakfast I can't eat a lot because I am too nervous.

"Hai! Can I sit here?" He is a cute boy, don't look dangerous to me and having a friend would be better.

"S...s..sure." I said.

"Thank you. I am Haechan! You are Kim Taehyung right? We have the same class!"

"Nice to meet you. Really? Sorry I didn't notice you in class."

We were chatting while eating. It is easy to be friend with him and I hope he can be a good friend throughout my college life. He told me all about the classes, the lecturers, and it makes me feel more excited.

Haechan even promised to introduce me to his other friends too.

"Taehyung, do you want a ride home?" Haechan came to me when he saw me waiting at the college entrance.

"No, my ride is coming. Thanks anyway!"

Which is true because Jungkook already text me saying they'll arrive in 5 minutes.

Just seconds after Heachan left Kook arrive with his sports car and I jump in.

He pull me into a hug and I gladly hug him back. I like his smell mix together with the cologne he always wear--its really good. I could smell him all day.

He casually kiss my lips and it is just soft and sweet.

"Is Gguk busy?"

"He has some emergency to attend to so he can't be here but he will see you at dinner tonight." Kook explained briefly.

"What kind of emergency? Did anyone get hurt."

"Just work related love. No worries."

I nodded understand. I miss him. I miss both of them.

A month has past since the historical night in my life. My love grow each day and and we become closer. The twins treat me like I am their most precious and I already used to that. Even the thought of losing them scared me so much.

"Kookie, can we go for an ice cream please?"

"Anything for you love."

My life has been a rotation of Jin or Namjoon hyung send me to college and the twins picking me up from college, weekend will be the time where I spend my time with my boyfriends.

Studying art is a dream come true which I never expected before but today I am living the dream and turn out I am good with art. My life seem perfect that it scared me sometimes. I have a lot to loose now and if I ever lost them, that would be the end of me.

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