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"Where are you Ggukie? You promised to pick me up!" Tae whine when he called me.

"Already on my there baby... Where should I meet you?"

"I'm having a drink with my friends at Starbucks." I heard him giggle.

"Alright Baby, I'll meet you there."

But when I approach a group friends which I assumed Tae's friend, they told me he had been to the toilet for a while. That moment I felt something was wrong. I call number when I rush to the nearest toilet but he wasn't there.

My heart drop.....

He is still not back to his friends.

I refuse to admit something bad happen to him so I keep searching the mall with the help of my bodyguards and driver. Hoping Tae was just bored and wonder by himself.

Until Jungkook called and I have to face reality.

The atmosphere.... Very intense... Jin is crying. Namjoon try to calm him. Jungkook is in the same state as I am, fist clench of anger and in the same time praying that our love will be fine.

Finally after 1 hour, the doctor was out and ready to fill us all about Tae's condition.

"How..... Is he?" I asked impatient.

"I am sorry but he was raped badly. A force entry without any lubricant. The action injured him there but the injury isn't that bad. It will heal in 2 days. (I seriously know nothing about medical.)" He sigh heavyly and I know there's more coming.

"Other than that, physically he is fine but his mental state is not. In a simple word for you, this incident break him. He's going to need all the love and support."

Now it's Jimin who start cry on Suga's shoulder hoping for support and Jin fallen to the floor crying even more.

"Please.... Be strong for him, don't mention the incident in his presences and don't cry in front of him. That would really help. You can visit him.once we transfer him to his ward but for today he won't wake up till tomorrow."

"Thank you doctor."Namjoon hyung said when the doctor walk away.

Jungkook was quick to request a GOLD ward for Tae, of course we want the best service for him plus the hospital belong to Jeon Corporation.

As soon as we enter the ward, tears that I have been holding in shamelessly wet my face.

Tae's pale face, bruise at the corner of his lips and almost like hand print around his neck, sign of choking.

"Baby.. Baby... Forgive me. If I was earlier, you'd be save!"

On my knee holding his hand, I cried.

"Gguk, it's not your fault. Tae wouldn't want to see you like this."

I dash out of the room as anger get the best of me. It's all that animal...even animal better than him.

I got in my car and start the engine suddenly the passenger door open, Jungkook get it with red face and eyes. I didn't notice that he's been following me.

He look at me and noded. I understand him without a single word.

I drive the car above speed limit, I just don't care anymore. He will get to feel hell.

We keep silent because I know, Kook too is imagining how we would make them feel hell, not just for what they did today but from the first day they torment him.

Putting our mask on, we walk out of the car and head straight to the underground chamber, with just a look, the guards open the main cells door for us lead the way to where we keep them.

"Forgive us! Forgive us! Please let me go!" the bitch beg once they saw us.

"Please... Please.. I don't know anything.. Let me go...." The one who rape beg too.

Jungkook didn't waste time, punches his dad, the other two watch wide eye and shaken.

I let him let out his anger because I need to do the same as well.

I start giving out punches to the one who rape my baby. I start with kicking his balls, twice then I give punches.

(not very good to describe violence.)

Panting, sweating but the anger is still there but we know we need to stop.

Jungkook and I share a look. A look of anger and disappointment but this is the first time I have seen Jungkook in this state. He is usually calm amd collected.

When it involve your love one, people can be--do anything.

"W...why...." Kim Rea crying.

Kim Han and the rapist was injured badly. Broken face and body but I don't care. They deserve every single beat, every kick and punch.

The rapist cried, his voice crack from all the shouting.

All of them are holding in the pain after the beating. Heavy breathing can be heard inside the roon.

Calling us master means he knows who we are in the underworld.

"YOU TOUCH WHAT'S OURS!" Jungkook speak with a loud growl.

"N...... Noo... I Never... I wouldn't dare."

"You.. Wouldn't.. Dare? YOU ALREADY DID F***KER!" His eye wide at that.

"What did you do when he ask you to stop? When he cried in pain? WHEN YOU RAPE HIM!"

"Did you stop? Did help him? What did you do? ANSWER ME!"

With that I take off his pants and he is quick to beg again like he know what I'm about to do.

"Please.... Please.... Don't... Just kill me..."

"Its that easy huh? When you make him go through all the pain that he too wosh too die..."



Suddenly Jungkook chuckle. He grab Tae's so call father gair and pull it.

"Now... Your eye hold fear... You know us right?" He noded.

"You know what happen when you mess with THE GHOST?" He noded again not knowing what will happen to him.

"Do you know that the one you sold to be rape is part of The ghost mafia?"

Kook asked with so much hatred and desire the kill the man but he knew not to make the death easy for him.

Jungkook stab his thigh with a knife and twist it before he left it there.

"You are g..got..the...wrong pers...person master... He is my s..sson...not...arghhhh!"

Jungkook stab his another thigh.

"That's where you are wrong!" He smirk and their faces fall. All three of them.

"Now... Now.. Its your turn!" my phone rings before I want to continue.

"Yes.. Hyung.. Be right there." I share a look with Jungkook and he understands me immediately.

"Guards!" The guards open the door for us and Jungkook give them instructions to continue the torture but still keep them alive.

"What kind sir?"

"Rape them all... Make it painful."

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