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Twins, Hoseok, Jimin and me, we made our way to the torture chamber back at the mafia headquarters. We walk in amd head straight to the place where we will release all our anger.

In the long black robe and mask on, we make our way down the basement where the hell was for who dare to challenge the ghost.

"Open!" Jungguk voice dark as it held anger.

All of us get in the room and I was the last one to enter.

"No one enter without permission!" I remark the guards outside.

He noded firmly.

Park Bogum and his father tied down to a chair.

"Look whose awake." Hoseok said.

"Please.. We never mess with the ghost in anyway. Let's discuss this, there must be a misunderstanding." His father said.

Bogum remain silent.

Suddenly Jimin come forward and stab Bogum on his shoulder and hr screams.

"Argghhg! Please.... Wh... Why...."

"WHY! WHY?! FUCKER!! Jimin punch his face, we let him but Jimin was getting out of control. He even expose his face and took of his rob.

I hug him from the back and pull him to the corner to calm him.

"Calm down chim...." I said to him and he took a deep breath while closing his eyes.

"Sorry... Guys..." Jimin voice out.

Bogum is already all read with Jimin blows, he will be dead at the end of this session.

"Please... Please... Anything....I'll give you anything you ask for. We never did anything to the ghost." The old man beg again.

"I.. I.. never even..ccc...cross the ghost..so why?" Bogum ask in a painful voice.

"Its true.. My son is not very active as a mafia but even my gang never dare to cross you! PLEASE... Tell me why.. Maybe I could clear my self..."

Jungguk and Jungkook both stand in front of the father son, taking in all their begging which is not helping at all.

The twins--in the same time took of their rob.

"Maybe.. You will understand after this. Why you are here..." Jungkook dark deep voice reasonate in the cold cement room.

Them both let go of their mask that cover the whole face, showing an evil smile.

Shock was an understatement for both victim.

"J... Jeo.. Jeon?! I'm sorry...please... Please.. Please... I didn't..."


With that another blow of punches hit Bogum face.

Hoseok and I just stand against the wall waiting for our turn with smirk on our face when Jungguk start cutting a finger.

Loud scream and cry begging reasonate in the room but none of us bothered.

"Pl..please.. Please...."

"When my brother begging you please... Did you even bother?"

Hoseok walking forward this time. He harshly push Bogum on the steel table inside the room and just cut off his pants so his bottom ia exposed.

With gloves on he use a big syringe with a white liquid inside and shove in his bottom.

"This is the thing you use on him right. It's your turn now....." When a sunshine like him turn psycho, even I get scared.

Bogum starts to squirm on the table, his tied hand tried to reach his bottom.

"Getting itchy are we.....?" Hoseok tease evilly.

"Sorry but the one in your ass have triple effect than the one you're using." Hoseok chukle while circling that bastard.

"Please....I beg you... Let us go, we didn't know what he is to you, if I know I would have stop him!" the begging again from the father.

"That is your problem! Just because you have a power, you use it wrongly to others by being heartless.... But you are forgotten, there are others who is powerful than you. We are far from innocent too but we never involve others just for your own sellfishness!"

Bogum squirm are getting heavier. He is struggling because inside his hole is very itchy but can't do a thing a about it as his hands is still tied.

I am still a viewer at this point. Its start to get boring looking at desperate Bogum to have something shove his ass.

I wonder what will happen of I release hands and an evil smirk appear on my face again.

My expectations were right. As soon as his hands were release, he immediately insert his finger to help sooth the itchiness but a finger is not enough, a finger turn to fingers going in and out of his hold while his hold body tremble.

As a final blow I inject in him the drug to boost his sex drive. Well, he should have a taste of his own idea right?

Moans start to be heard with his mouth hang open, his length is red and releasing pre cum.

Horny... Very Horny......

Later his is fisting his own ass and thats the limit for all of us as we find the view disgusting.

Putting on our mask, we get ready to leave them. To the old man, I inject the same drug, they will lose their mind so he will not talk about us since he saw our face.

I am the last one to walk out and before I did, I whisper to Bogum ear...

"You have a dick over there to help your ass."

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