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It's the first time ever that I feel this happy. I feel like my life are now perfect--complete. I have parents who love me, I have friends like brothers who took care of me.

Now I have a boyfriends. Yes... boyfriendsssss... I have two perfect men who want to claim my heart as theirs and already gave their heart to me.

However, I am still scared, afraid, insecure if someday they left me. They are the finest men on this earth and I am just nobody. Miracle.. Jungkook and Jungguk are my miracle.

I don't want to be alone again. I'm afraid if I did something that they don't like.

Everything is perfect until at the exhibition. A men approach me and start to talk to me about the picture-- I thought it was fine but suddenly he stand closer to me and his finger touching my face.

"You are very beautiful, you know that. This eyes and lips are so tempting."

I move back to make some distance and so his hand won't be touching my face again and in the same time I am looking around for the twin hoping they won't see what just happen.

I don't want them to think that I seduce the guy but then I see that they were engrossed in discussion but the guards were eyeing me then one of them whisper something to the twins. I panic, they will hate me after this.

I look down hoping that they wouldn't misunderstood the situation and hope the guy will leave me alone.

I'm shocked when he again hold my chin up from looking the floor and I see the twins behind him looking dark like a beast.

When Gguk harshly grab his hand, I panic and hide behind Kook-hugging him and I started to cry. I want to apologise but I don't know why my lips are seal.

I am almost lost my mind with what happen at the exhibition. I am so scared if they will feel disgusted at me like what mom always said.

She always said that the men who always wanted to buy me from them are not at fault. It is my fault for having a face like this.

"Honey, a lot of people offering good money to buy that boy. Why don't you just sell him." mom asked dad while I'm doing the dishes. They are talking like I am not there.

"As long as he gave us enough money, just keep him until we are desperate for money than we can sell him and that moment I'm sure his price is higher than what they offered us now."

I'm shivering to his statement and I saw him smirking at me. God please take my life now.

The day finally come when dad's lost a lot of money gambling and he tried to sell me to a man but I found out and tried to escape. I failed to escaped and he beat me to death, using his leather belt. He keep on lashing my back non stop, cursing at me and I can only cry.

I plead to them to stop. It hurts so much, I pray that God will take my life so I won't feel this pain anymore.

"Baby...baby... Wake up..."

"Love... Calm down its just a dream
Come back to us, Love."

I feel soft touch on my face.

I open my eyes and I saw Gguk and Kook worried face. Kook is outside the tub but next to me but Gguk is inside the tub, infront of me with his shirt on and already wet. I feel asleep here.

Its just a dream...

Its a dream of my past...

I hug Gguk when I come to my senses, I cried in his arm feeling helpless and terrified.

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