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"Jeon Jungguk! I don't want to eat porridge anymore...."

"but baby....you ate too little.. Eat more please..."

"Kookie........." I seriously not in the mood for porridge anymore. That's all I'm having for a week now.

"Love... How about you eat this porridge first and later at night, I tried to sneak in whatever food you want. Okey? But only after your mom went home, alright?"

I show my boxy smile to Jungkook with my shoulder up because I'm very happy and glad.

"Now you make me the bad boyfriend Kook!" He glare to Jungkook.

I chuckle happily to see the childish act of Jungguk and happily wrap my arms around Jungkook waist who stand next to the bed.

Jungguk sigh and I feel bad.

"Gukkie...." I don't know what is wrong with me, but since then I have been really attach and sensitive to my lovers.

I felt bad for making him sad. I notice Gguk has been a little down, he has been smile and laugh but sometimes I caught him looking at me with guilty eyes.

"I'm s.. Sorry..."

"Shhh.. Baby ... No...nothing to be sorry for... I love you so much... It's my fault... Please..."

He pull me into a hug, I could hear his racing heart.

After Jin hyung went home,Gguk keep me company while Jungkook went of to buy the food.

I was watching a movie with Gguk but I could feel that Gguk wasn't actually. I have noticed it since the beginning, Gguk was acting a bit awkward, too careful, always make sure I take my medicine on time.

"Stop it Ggukie...."

"What is it angel? Do you need anything?"

"Whatever, you think you were doing.. Stop it.."

Tears...found it way out...

"Baby.... I'm sorry baby, If I was earlier you wouldn't.. "

"NO!" I cried hard. "It was never your fault! Not yours not mine! My fa.. That person was just evil from heart, its his fault!"

I cried and cried... Gguk again, pull me on his lap and hug me, rubbing circle behind my back.

"I'm sorry baby.. I'm sorry..."


My eyes widen at that.

Did I just cursed? And at my boyfriend?

All of sudden Ggukie burst into laughter and I pout.

Jungkook walk while laughing too with bags in his hand and a phone on the other hand.

"You are so cute Love! Is that the first time you curse?"

I cross my arms with a pout. The twins are happily teasing me and what happened to me? Curse?

Evenwhen I was beaten alive by my own father, I never curse.

I have my boyfriends to blame.

I enjoyed the meal that Kook bought for me to the most. Finally after weeks my taste explodes with a variety of flavours that existed on this world. A way of torture I never thought exist.

Jungkook bought foods to feed the whole hospital and there is no way the three of is can finish it all. All of us fall asleep before we can manage to get rid of all evidence of outside.

The impact was.... Explosion. Who would have thought he will check in early today when he always come later in the afternoon and he saw everything, everyfood Jungkook bought yesterday.

"WHY! Kook! You know Tae is not healthy enough to eat all of this hard things. Its not good for his digestion!"

Mom shouts since it a private ward and own by the Jeons so he just don't care.

"Don't blame him mom... It was me who..." my voice shaky, afraid....

"No.. No..no..baby, it was never your fault baby..." then mom shoot daggers to my boyfriends.

Chuckle can be heard across the room from my brothers.

"Tae bear, to your mom, you are perfect. Its just how much he loves you." Dad said and I smiled then hug Mom who is sitting next to me on tbe bed.

"Its not fair!" Ggukie expressed his feelings.

Kookie only shakes his head in smile.

"You guys wait when he ask for his way from you guys with his big round PUPPY EYES! I'll see if you can say no to that CUTE BEAR WITH PUPPY EYES!"

That's when everyone in the room burst into laughter includes myself.

"Ggukie..." I made grabby hands to him and he sit next to me on the other side and hug him.

"I love you Ggukie..."

"I love you too sweetheart."

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