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I'm sorry for the late update! I was feeling sick for about a week and business isn't going really well too. Stress much!



"I want to go to school!" Tae protest.

"Baby....we are only suggesting you take home schooling for a while."
I said.

Everyone was hoping he would agree to this because everyone of us are worried for him and his condition. He may seem fun and laugh but deep down we know he is fighting.

Right now, he is at our home after we take him out to test him. It is obvious he was uncomfortable but try to deny it. He is acting strong right now. He was tensed among the crowd and we can see it but Tae insist on going to school.

"It's been a month! You guus imprison me for a month! I'm fine! I want to move on!"

Tae is going to be stubborn about this and I don't like it one bit.

"Tae! You were rape for god sake! A fucking month won't be enough for you to move on!"


Tears... I see tears.. He was shaking.. The next thing I know he left into his room.

"Gguk.. I know how bad you are trying to protect him but by saying that.... I'll check on him."

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! I fucked up! Great! Now he hates me.

"Yes Yonggi hyung?"

"There has been some issues at the headquarters."

"I'll be there hyung."

With that I hung up and texted Jungkook about it and told him I'm leaving.

I left for the mafia headquarters and after 10 min I have arrived at our private garage where the top truested circles are allowed.

I put on my mask and my black robe before entering. The guards at the entrance bow at me. I took the lift straight to the top floor and entet the meeting room.

I took of the mask and robe when I'm inside. Everybody is here except for Jungkook of course.


"One of our storage house was attack and almost all of our people die."
Jimin explain.

"Which storage house?"

"Weapons." Yongi answer.

Storage for weapons are the place with high security even the location of the storage place are only known to few people only.

"You said, almost everyone die?"

"2 guards still alive but barely. I know what you were thinking but I don't think its them."

"We will solve this, we always did. For now, make sure the families of the dead and injured receives the money the deserve and look into their family background if maybe they needed extra help."

"Yes of course, I already started to gatjer information about their families." Jin was quick to take action.

"Hobi and Yonggi hyung look into this matters in details. I know it is impossible for them to be the rat maybe they were forced and Jin please check the families to see if any information worth it. Namjoon hyung please investigate the upper level involvement with the storage house."

The order was given but my heart and my mind is on my love at home.

"The attacked storage house, which one?"

"The one in the north, the smallest one." Namjoon answered.

"Let's meet again tomorrow morning, i hope you guys has more information then."

Everybody leaves to work on their task but I hold Tae's parents.

"Hyung, about Tae going to school. You guys approve?"

Jin hyung shake his head. "I don't but he is so stubborn! He thought he will have his way by talking to you guys."

"What's wrong Gguk?" Namjoon ask as he sees my concern face.

"Tae is sulking at home because we too won't allow him and I was losing control when I get mad at him. I just..scared hyung... If I can't protect him again." Jin hyung hug me.

"I understand." he rubs my back. "You just want to protect him but Tae...."
Jin hyung lost his words.

"Tae was only trying to prove himself to you guys. We have been too protective over him and I guess he is feeling something insecure again."

When Namjoon brrak it down like that, I think I understand him better--why he acted like that.

I head home and to see a sleeping beauty in my bed. Change my shirt and look for Jungkook.

"Why is he in my room? I thought he was sulking?"

"He felt bad for acting like that when I explained to him your actions." I sigh looking down.

Both of us are in our mini office.

"I think I too understand him now. Why he is being stubborn and all."

Jungkook too sigh deeply and heavy.

"Its good that you understand him now but how are we going to handle this?"

"Did you not remember to who the school belong to? We can manage guards in disguise to always watch over him. Add more camera to the area."

Suddenly I feel proid of myself and I can't believe baby is waiting for me to get home. I seriously going crazy only on the thought he is mad at me but baby is angel.

"Good idea Gguk. I will handle everything about it before Tae can go to school."

I noded agree and I fill him about what happen in the mafia and has been discussed and planned.

After a short meeting about work I need my sleep because my baby is on my bed.

"Kook, I'm going to bed--are going to join us?"

"No... Go ahed.. Take your time with him. Even Tae is forgiving you but what you said was still a bit harsh. So..."

"I understand... Thank Kook.."

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