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Jungguk and I share the same office and after the meeting with dad, we got into our office to continue our work. We know that dad has planned to retire, and we glad he did. Its time for him to rest and stop thinking about work. He built a great legacy and we will take care of it.

The Jeon Mafia became the number 1, most powerful and richest mafia gang in the world under his leadership, we can't disappoint him so we need to make our mafia gang more stronger and respected so no other gang would dare to look down on us even after the leader changed.

"Most of the things in the file are public to us, there are only some new alliance proposal, new business strategy dad put together and look some one tried to threaten him and he wants us to deal with it." I told Jungguk about the file I have read.

"Threat? Dad never told is about this. What kind of threat?" I pass him the document for him to read. I can see anger in him when someone dare to put a threat on dad.

Jungguk is always the fierce one. Even though we are twins we have different interests and personality and things we like were never the same. Jungguk is the more fun enjoyable person while I am more preserve. Girls are always attracted to him and melt in his touch.

I don't really like to sleep around while Jungguk do it alot, just a one night stand according to him. Nobody is able to tame him.

"Look like someone send a threat using email. They wanted him to give half of our territory to them or he will regret it.. That's what the email said." Jungguk told me as he is flipping over the file.

"When was that?" I asked.

"let see... 4 months ago? I guess its just an empty threat."

"I will investigate, I do not want to take things lightly. Better safe than sorry."

Things like this can't be ignore and if dad put it in a file that means he want it to be investigate and put down if needed.

"Keep me in the loop bro."

"Of Course" I said.

Both of us are drowning in our work, meeting after meeting because we want to list out the priorities first, especially from the files that dad gave to us the other day.


Kook and me are working in the same office room at our perosnal pent house. Yes, we live together and Hanna lives with dad. Its not far from the mafia headquarters but sometimes when there are no meetings or other job that required us to be there, we will just work from home.

We almost sort everything out, the priorities that needs fast attention will be settle first.

My phone rang and Seokjin hyung name was on it.

"Yes hyung?"

"Yes, I understand... Thanks hyung."

After I hang up Jungkook looked at me waiting for an answer.

"Hyung remind us about the meeting tonight. He said dad told him to deal with us from now on."

Jin hyung and his boyfriend Namjoon hyung are also apart from the mafia, they are in the trusted circle of Jeon Mafia.

Only the people who are in the trusted circle knows what we look like. The lower level members knows nothing about the Jeon Mafia until they proof loyalty and upper level members are confident about it. The upper level members knows where the headquarters but only the trusted circle knows us personally.

We are always careful not expose ourselves. This rule had been practiced since dad took over the mafia. It is to make sure we can grow up like normal people and to minimise the threat.

The fact that someone place a threat on dad and using us as a bait is quiet impossible actually. I just hope it's an empty threat because that threat is only valid of we have a mole in the group and I don't believe it is from the inner circle.

We proceed with the meeting that was set at the nearby park of Jin hyung club. I meet Namjoon hyung there but no sign of Jin hyung. Maybe he is busy at the club.

The meeting consist of threatening the other party about their activity in our territory surprise them. We call them for meetings in a name of alliance but now they know the truth.

"Don't play with the Jeon Mafia, we have ears and eyes everywhere. You think because we have a big territory and we wouldn't know what you were doing. Even the most secluded place in Jeon territories is being watched. Don't act follishly."

Namjoon gave a warning to them after a moment of beating up by our men. Me and Jungkook just let Namjoon hyung do his work. The guy is bleeding bad all over his face with our guys holding him down on the floor.

I gave a sign to my men to lift him so he would be on his knees.

"Listen, spread the words, Jeon Mafia knows everything that's been going around in the under world, eyes ears everywhere. We know all of you.. But we are ghosts."

Even when mask on in the dark. I know my twins agree with me. He gave a nod which means we are done here.

I order my men to send the men far from here. He is brought here with eyes closed and at night it is very dark that you would thought you are in the jungle while actually this is a park where we have the most secluded part here. The park itself is our private property, dad want it to be open to public.

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