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This is very annoying, such meeting with people who thought they can fool me and Jungkook just because we are the young new leader.

In a name of support, giving us the value when in reality its none of that. They are only taking advantages assuming we can easily be blind when it involve a lot of money.

What make them think that we are after money when we already have so much and making much more on our own. Well, they didn't know that.

The Jeon Mafia is basically a ghost. The information about us is very little and all of our man are always in disguise. There is no way to recognise us just by look.

Jeon mafia is always a stand lone not depending or in relationship with other group yet those invitations always come.

"That's our proposal, it will benefit all of us including expanding your territory. When the bond is seal, family won't kill family right. You will have support from us no matter what."

What the hell is this guy talking about?


I have been noticing the girl who come with the old man--his fuckhole or whatever, but she's been flirting with me non stop.

"Yes.. Family... I am clueless too, whose family?" Jungkook is looking emotionless as he is always is even with mask on.

"you see, to prove my loyalty and seriousness in this proposal. I am offering you my beautiful daughter right here."

Proudly introducing his slut looking daughter to us.

"To which of us you're giving her? Because.. You know.. We are twins and always wanted to be fair. So...." I said while playing with my rambo knife which I pull out from a secret place on my boots.

"My brother was saying, for us to be satisfied both of us want to have her." The slut are looking excited when Kook said that.

"I'm sure she don't mind to be a wife to both if you." The slut noded vigorously at his father statement.

"Who said anything about being a wife?" Jungkook raised eyebrows.

"She will be our toy, but she need to be cut into half first because we play differently, but both of us like to fuck corpse...but...who will get her hole when we cut her?" I casually asked Jungkook.

"Do it like we always do..."

I turn to the old man, he look confuse and angry and the slut is shaking and I am happy.

"Are you MESSING with me?!" He slam the table.

I throw the knife and landed on his hand. The old man is screaming with blood flowing. His man try to make a move but stopped by our guy.

"You asked for that. My brother hate disrespectful people. You could have withdraw your proposal and we'll be fine but you dare shout and slam the table. Remember this, it is an insult to us when you think you can bought us with money and some stupid girl. This meeting is over."

We all leave the meeting place that was held at a random empty bunglow in the middle of a forest. The meeting place was set by them but our men came in 2 hours early surprising them and do the inspection.

We never held a meeting in the same or at our property. If its a must to be taken to our place, it is always the one underground and in the forest at an old graveyard. They will be blind folded too.

"Its been a week now. I miss baby so much!" I said in frustration once we were in our car and finally took off our mask.

"Me too, its feels empty without him around. Next time we should bring him. What do you think?" Jungkook too can't handle being away with Tae too long.

Both of us need to leave the country to settle a few things, at first I planned to ask Namjoon and Jinnie to go but Jinnie hyung insist we go by ourselves.

"Good Idea! How about we pick him up as a surprise tomorrow?" I said.

The next day, we arrive at his school early and waited for him outside. We are waiting inside the car until we see a bunch of student come out and then we saw our baby walking out with a guy who hand on Tae's shoulder.

We were observing everything from the car. He is obviously flirting and my baby is too innocent to notice that. Taehyung seems uneasy him being so touchy but he can't voice it out.

Another unpleasant view is, the other students are drawn to him too. My baby is pulling too much attention but it's ain't his fault when he is very beautiful.

"Taehyung, let's have a meal together and I'll send you home?"

Jungkook feel the same heat as I am and both of us come out from our car and I heard that as they walk closer to our direction.

"Sorry, Bogum. My parents will fetch me plus he wouldn't allow me." Tae try to reason. Tae remember our advice for him to not go with others who can't protect him.

"How about you gave them a call first maybe they'll let you?" This boy sure is pushy as well.

"That won't be necessary since his ride is here."Jungkook said holding his anger.

Tae turn when he heard us!

" You are back! I miss both of you so much!" Tae come running to us. His face show it all, his love and loyalty but this guy here need some clue.

"Are you here to fetch me?" Tae ask excitedly after hugging me with his small frame and he turn to Jungkook next.

"Yes, baby. We came for you. Let's get you home doll."

This Bogum guy look confuse and angry at the same time but won't show it too Tae so he obviously love him.

"Bye Bogum! See you next week!"

Tae left first with Jungkook with Taehyung jumping excitedly heading to the car.

"Be his friend, nothing more than that. Taehyung is someone's fiancee so you better keep you hands off."

After saying that I left but I manage to hear his reply.

"We'll see."

Before entering the car I call my assistant.

"I want to know everything about a guy name Bogum."

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