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Jungmi :

"This is the investigation result on Mr. Kim Taehyung, sir." Lee place the thin folder in front of me.

"Good Job Lee, right on time. Thank You so much." I noded and he walked out of my office room.

I opened the file.

Name, Kim Taehyung live with his parents, his brother passed away, used to live with his grandmother but move in with his parents when she died. Work as a bartender in TOXIC.
Single. Never been In a relationship. Closest friends Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon.

Father Kim Han, not working? Gambler.... Debt..... Wow.. What a resume... Useless man....

Let see.. Mother Kim Rea, working in a mart. A gambler too? Prostitute by night?

They A... Ab... Abuse? Hit him? According to the neighbor and cctv in the area, his parents always abuse him and take all his money and if he refuse they will force him to sell his body. Low self confidence, he thinks he is an ugly person because his parents told him that he is the son of devil.

What?! Reading this shit seriously making me angry. They don't deserve a good child like him. He don't deserve this life. Stupid parents like them didn't realised that they have been blessed.

"Come in." I said when I heard a knock on the door. I put away his file in my drawer.

My twins son, Jungkook and Jungguk with my youngest daughter Hanna.

"You called us dad?"

I have them sat on the couch because I wanted to discuss about passing down my legacy to them.

"Listen kids, I'll make it short. I'm old and tired, I want to step down and rest.. Maybe If I am lucky enough.. To play with my grandchildren in a few years?"

The three of them looked shocked, I know they were surprised about the grandchildren part.

"Grandchildren? seriously dad?"
Jungguk laugh. I always know both my son aren't straight but I don't mind.

"So, you want to step down? Both or only the mafia?" Jungkook ask me.

"Both.... I am seriously wanted to rest. Hanna, you will manage the company and twins, you guys take the Mafia. Don't worry Hanna, for any big decisions for the company your brothers will help."

"Thanks dad." Hanna thank me for understanding his concerns.

"You will take over as soon as possible and I will announce it so I can take my holiday sooner." The kids chuckle at my eagerness to finally retire.

"You really can't wait to retired don't you?" Jungguk said.

I just smile at them. They have grown so much, their mother left when she  gave birth to Hanna and I have tried my best to be both for them and I can say that I am proud of them. I believe she is proud of them too.

"Jungkook, Jungguk... Take this files, this is all of our current cases, our aliases, our potential enemy or easy to say all you need to know about our mafia." Jungguk take the file with a smirk.

"Dad, you talk like this is the first time we do this." This kid....

"I know... Just want to officially pass over all the load from my head to yours."

"Then, how about the file you place in your drawer just now?" Jungkook is always the sharp one.

"That's my last one and it has nothing to do with the mafia. Stop questioning me." All three chuckle at me and make their way out.

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