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"How about you start with... All of us are in the mafia.....and continue from there."

While we were looking for words, Tae jump in and with his own introduction which surprises us all. He look calm and cool as if he had known for a long time.

The room.....silence... None of us know what to say. Obviously each and every one of us feel guilty for underestimating Tae.

All of us just assume that he won't be able to handle the news including me and Gguk.

"Guys..." Tae take mine and Gguk hand in his small soft hand and his eyes are looking at the rest of the family.

"Yes... I know..." Tae softly said.

"I'm sorry love... But how?"

"From my life before I am here. My father has some sort of business with them and he don't bother to hide it from me. Sometimes I overheard your conversation, and your working hours are irregular, and to confirm it, there are times where I saw blood splatter on your sleeves."

Jin hyung is crying mess right now but he stilk manage to hit Namjoon hyung with a glare.

"Baby...please... Forgive your mom and Dad... We... I.. " Jin hyung pleads.

"Tae.. We were only trying t...."

"Too protect me... I can guess." Tae cut Namjoon's words with a smile.

"To tell you the truth, Its hurts when I know you were keeping secrets from me. I feel like you don't trust me and I feel so weak but in the same time I too feel grateful to have all of you in my life so I decided to just wait until you guys would trust me enough to tell me but then that happened. All of you ignore me, keeping distance--thats what I feel. I thought you guys grown tired of me because I'm weak when all of you are mafias."

Tae said still holding both of our hands.

"We were to scared if you know the truth and you would leave.... We can't lose you Tae." Jhope said it this time and its the perfect reason why we keep it a secret in the first place. Suga noded as a sign he agree.

"All of us agree to hide it first until we think you are ready. All of us... All of us Tae, don't want to lose you, if we don't do it right." Jimin hold sincerity in his eyes and speech. Both of them has a special bond that none of us can understand.

"Baby...please...don't leave..." Gguk.. For the first time, beg with crytal red eyes. His face wet with tears.

"I apologise Love, please forgive us. We do trust you, we just scared..." I kiss the back of his hand and look into his eyes.

"If I can't accept your job, I would have left during the two weeks when all of you ignored me you dimwit!" He said with a playful tone.

"I too love all of you.. And both of you, my beast, love of my life. But... No more secrets ok? I want to know EVERYTHING!"

He will stay. He is fine.

"Anything baby... Ask away.." Gguk said and Tae get excited, he is clapping his hand.

"Ok.. First of all, what happened to all of you last couple of weeks?"

"We wanted to take you to this vacation and stay for at least a week so there's a lot to settle before all of us can be here as no one will stay behind to cover our job." Suga take the responsibility to answer.

"So.. All of us work our ass off to make sure when were not around nobody would mess with us." I continue and Tae noded.

"Did your gang involve in sex...."

"No Tae, we aren't. Of course we offer prostitution to our customers in club but the women and men there do the job willingly and turn into their job. We never force anyone to be a sex slave."

Tae noded understand Namjoon explaination and Tae keep on asking alot of questions after that.

"Do you have gun?"

"Have you killed anyone before?"

"Are mafia rich?"

"Do you do drugs?"

It is funny to see the curiois Tae, asking all those questions.

"Are you guys important people in the group?"

"Of course!" Ggukk said smirking.

"Who do you work for? Which gang? I only heard Gong and Black gang before. Are you better?"

When he mentioned Gong and Black I realised that he had been exposed to the mafia world long before and he is doing a great job in taking care of himself.

"Gong and Black are only a small mafias gang compared to us because we have branches world wide." I said his eyes gone wide.

"Really? What's your name? Who do you work for?"

He is getting more and more excited.

"Bear.. Aren't you too excited to know about all this? I don't know bear.... " Jin hyung said. There is a slight worry in his face and pout on Tae's face.

"It's okey honey let him be, he is already in..." Namjoon said.

"Who is your boss? Is he bad?" Tae continue when he get the green light from Namjoon or dad.

Everyone is smiling at his last question.

"Why did you all smile like that?"

"Its not boss but bosses." Jimin said.

"How many bosses do you have dad?" Tae look at Namjoon.

"2, they have 2 bosses." Gguk said.

"owh.... But none of you told me about the group name.... Is it a secret?"

"Of course it is, not many people know our existence yet we exist and top all of them." I said with a proud tone.

"Jeon Mafia...." Gguk tell.

"Jeon mafia.. I see... Je... Ehhhh! As in Jeon?! YOUR JEON?!" It is so cute to see his shocked face. He really was surprised with his finger pointing at me and Gguk.

"Yes Tae, you are the Donna of Jeon Mafia. The leader's lover." Jimin simple statement bring him back to life.

"I am?"

"Yes Love.. You are.. No one can mess with you or they're dead."

Tae.. Does not look scared but more of a lost face. Its cute..very cute."

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