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After Tae drop the bomb he immediately run into his room. We were left stunned for 5 minutes trying to process the information we just received.

Blink after blink, looking lost....

Literally 5 minutes later.

"He love both of us? I hear it right? Do you hear it Gguk?" Jungkook the first one to speak up and break the silence.

"That's what I hear too...." we look into each other eyes and smile wide.

"Can we do this? Are you willing to share him with me?" I asked Jungkook.

He noded to me.
"Because it's with you, I can. It's better than to force him to choose."


I am so happy that it shows and Kook laugh at my reaction.

"Yeah, what we dream off came true, even better. All my worries are gone now."

Suddenly we heard a sobbing from Taehyung's room.

"Taehyung!" we said at the same time and run to his room only to find it lock from the inside.

We knock on the door while calling his name.

"Love.... Open the door please."

"Baby... Please sweetheart, open the door."

"Let's talk Love."

We heard a sobbing mess from inside the room.


I understand why he is a crying so hard. He thinks that we are disgusted by him.

"Love... If you think we are disgusted, we are not. Me and Jungguk loves you so much." I said and this is not how I imagine to declare my love for him.

"Baby... Kook is right. We love you too. Please open the door so we can talk."
Its Gguk turn to convince him.

After a click sound, the door slowly open revealing a puffy eyes of our now lover.

"Love...." I pick him up bridal style and sit on the bed. Tae put his arm around my neck.

I place him on the bed and the three of us sit together facing each other.

"Baby, you're not disgusting, I love you and Kook love you too so it's not wrong when you have feelings for both of us." Gguk start while holding on Taehyung's hand.

I grab another hand.
"Love, would you be our lover? Our moon and sun? Our boyfriend?"

Taehyung look at us shock, tears stream down, wetting his red cheeks again.

"You mean...th..three of us?" his stuttering is cute.

"Yes baby... We will share you, we will love you and you will have two lovers. You're ours."

Even though he still seem shock but I can see the blush on his cheeck, his shyness is killing me.

"Is it really okay to be this way?"

"Of course it is Love." Jungkook.

"Because you love us, and we love you." Jungguk.

Taehyung, my love and Jungguk's baby are finally ours.

"You haven't answer us Love, we are still waiting." I asked Tae.

He look at us with glossy eyes and a smile on his face. He noded a little as sign that he agree and just like that he made my day, our day.

"Yes. I'd love to be your boyfriend. I thought you would hate me if you knew. "

Tae hug me and cry, I hold him tight to support him. Gguk rub his back to calm him. It made me and Gguk worried, is he unhappy?

"Baby.... Why are you crying? Are you not happy?" Gguk rub circle on his back.

Tae turn his face to look at Gguk and he move to Gguk lap and hug him.

"I'm sor...sorry...I made you worried. I feel relieved that you don't hate me." his voice muffle because he is still hugging Gguk while talking but we heard it loud and clear.

"We feel relieved that it it not someone else that you have feelings for Love." I kiss his head and Gguk kiss his forehead.

"Kook, I think Tae is sleeping."

"Put him slowly on the bed Gguk."
Gguk slowly place him in the middle of the bed cover his body with a blanket.

"Everything must be too overwhelming for him." I said.

"I can breath now and I don't have to kill anybody." He chuckle.

"It made me worried too if it's someone else that he has feelings for."  I look at his sleeping face, it made me feel at peace.

"Everything is overwhelming for me too, let's sleep Kook. I'm tired."

I noded and both of us sleep next to Taehyung. Luckily his bed is a big enough for the three of us to sleep comfortably.


I wake up when I feel the shine on my face but since when that I had a hard pillow?

As I open my eyes slowly only to find that I am sleeping on top of Jungkook, every moment of last night come to me like flash.

My confession, their confession, the twins proposal and my answer.

It's not a dream because if it is I wouldn't be sleeping like this. My cheeck feels so hot and I'm sure it has turn so red.

Slowly I get off from Jungkook and made my way to the toilet to do my morning routine.

I walk out to the kitchen to see if I can do anything for breakfast but, cooking is not something I'm good at so I just made coffee. Usually, Jin hyung always left some food that only need to be reheated in the microwave.

I look at the watch  at see that it is still quite early in the morning so I just decided to watch tv. After a few yawn, I feel asleep on the couch.

My sleep is disturb when I hear my name being called and I open my eyes to see Jungguk waking me up and I am on top of him. What the hell happen?!

"Baby, go and get ready so we can go out. Jungkook is taking a bath inside our room meanwhile you should get ready ok?"

I blush so hard when Gguk kiss me on my forehead. I get inside my room to get ready and I am going to wear just something simple and casual.

When I'm done getting ready, Jungguk and Jungkook are already waiting for me at the living room, discussing about work.

Both of them look so handsome that made me feel like I don't deserve them.

"Ready love?" Jungkook said when notice me and again I don't know where are all the words from my mouth and blush red when my beast keep staring at me.

Maybe I didn't look good?

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