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To see Taehyung happy really make my world. I have never thought I could fall in Love so hard like this. His happiness has become my goal of life. To protect him, to always be there for him, to love him.

The old me was so cold, no expression, no feeling, and rude especially to bitches. I never see love in anyone, all I see is people taking advantage. I wonder why all of them think that I will like it when they offer sex to me. Disgusting people!

Then there is Gguk, a romeo, a playboy. He hit on both side--he slept with a lot of people. He's a heart breaker, giving hope to them that he will stay but I think they are all stupid to believe him but not anymore, not since Kim Taehyung is here.

All because of Kim Taehyung.

We have been out since morning, having a good brunch at a simple cafe choose by our Love now we went for shopping. I want to spoil him so much.

Taehyung never knew about fashion, designer, all the branded clothing. He never has his own style, because before this, he is living to survive. Living is just pushing through--just thinking about it making me angry.

After going out with him a few times, I notice that Taehyung always prefer Gucci's fashion more. I think he like the style from that brand than others.

There are also times when he likes to buy things from a small kiosk from local brand. As long as he thinks it suit him, he wouldn't mind wearing something cheap.

Well, when it's Kim Taehyung, he can wear a potato sack but still look awesome.

"Baby, how about this?" Gguk is showings him a coat wore by a female model in a picture. The shop attender take out the coat for Taehyung to try it on and as always. He looks so good in it.

I see the girl that attend to Taehyung roll his eyes. I have been watching her from the beginning, he tried to flirt with Gguk but when Gguk only see Taehyung and not her I saw her walking to me.

Trying to look seductive but I only see trash. I saw her game--walking in my direction and act like she's going to fall but too bad--I just let her fall at my feet.

Slowly I step my feet to her hand and crouch down.

"One more time I saw you do what you do to him, YOU ARE DEAD!" I said darkly.

Just because my love doesn't complain because he is just too kind doesn't mean I didn't see the harsh treatment she did when she thought we are not looking.

"Are you alright?" There he goes, way too nice to people who actually don't deserve it.

I glare at her so does Gguk.

"I.....I'm fine...excuse me." she left leaving Taehyung clueless.

"Did you scare her Beast?" he said looking at both me and Gguk.

"Yes we did, we saw what she did to you and we're not sorry."

Now, he is blushing hard and just walk away.

"You saw it too?" Gguk asked me.

"I did and gave her a warning."


We finish with the shopping and Tae wanted to enter a photography exhibition that was held at the mall.

This is new to me and Gguk, we never know Tae has interest in photography.
Tae was mesmerised with every pictures--he look into a picture, looking into every details and we just let him.

Without saying a word, me and Gguk just let him explore every pictures taking his time while me and Gguk tried to attend to work while observing Tae.

It seems there is an issue of stolen shipments. I didn't worry much because I'm confident that we would find the rat that cause it. Just another ungrateful bitch, I just hope it wasn't one of the top level members cause it would be difficult to trust anyone.

Gguk was also busy on his phone but still making sure to have the guards eyeing Tae even when we are close by.

"Master, you should take a look." One of my guards speak slowly to me.

Me and Gguk divert our attention to Tae in second only to see a few women are fangirling him, men are drooling over him but what I hate the most when they dare to come close.

A guy, taller than Tae but still shorter than us is talking to him. Tae is looking a bit uncomfortable and shy so he just look down all the time.

The man didn't even realise we were already behind him listening to every words he saying to our Tae

"Pretty boy like you shouldn't be alone here. Wanna come with me?"

"Hey, look at me pretty. How about we walk out of here?"

Until he fucking put his finger under Tae's chin and push his face up to look at him.

Gguk hold the man wrist and push it harshly.

"Do you want a broken arm." I speak with venom in my voice.

Tae automatically stand behind me hugging my waist, obviously he is scared. I can feel his slight shivering and uneven breath.

I turn around and and take him in my arm then I pick him up, his legs around my waist and his arm around my neck.

"It's fine Love, I'm here. Gguk is here too. We'll protect you Love."

"Wanna go home." That's all he said and we head home immediately.

Reaching home, I take Tae into his room and Gguk prepare a warm bath for him.

"Baby...I'd prepare a warm bath for you. How about you relax yourself a bit." Gguk tried to persuade Tae into taking a bath.

Tae noded and get of the bed to the bathroom.

"Do you need help baby?"

"No... I can do it myself but please wait for me here, don't leave me alone?"

Tae sound almost like a plead--even if he didn't we will gladly do whatever he wish for.

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