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"Hurry up Joonie! I don't want to be late!!!" He got home late after dealing with some mafia issues and all bloody too.

"Coming princess...." He walk out of the room looking very fine and I don't feel like letting him go out now.

I'm sure a lot of ladies going to eye fuck my men.

"mmmhhh.... Joonie... Wh...at ar.." I'm so lost in thoughts that I didn't notice he start sucking on my neck right on the sensitive spot.

"You are looking illegal princess, and there's no way I'll allow you to be out without marking you. I need to let them know you're mine." He pull my waist closer and tighter.

Joonie being possessive is turning me on. His breath on my skin feels so good... How is it even possible? I can't think of anything when his lips keep sucking and kissing and licking.


"I know princess... Let's go before I'll rip all of your shirt here."

"Joonie you meanie!"

We make our way into the car after locking the house and made our way to my beear graduation ceremony.

We take our sit at the VIP reserve area which is the front row and everyone is already there including my uncle.

Soon the ceremony began and we were very excited tk wait for Taehyung turn.

"I will now announce on the best student award who achieved top scores in all subject and curricular. Big applause to Mr. Kim Taehyung!"

All of us are in shock because obviously Tae didn't tell any one of us. We were looking at each other woth wide eyes and wonder if it is our Taehyung.

As soon as Tae walk up the stage with big smile on his face he turn to us and wave happily after receiving his scroll.

"Thank you Chancellor and all teachers for your guide and sharing your knowledge with your student. The job that you all do as teachers are very noble because one day when we succeed in life, you get nothing but your salary for teaching us when you actually deserve more because you brighten our future with your hardwork and patience. I also want to take this chance to thank my family especially my parents who love me with their whole heart. I love you mom dad.. My brothers thank you for always be there for me and my love one. This award is for you guys."

At the end of his speech, I am a crying mess. No words to describe my love for him, my baby bear.

"Wow bear! Top student! Congratulation Tae..." Jimin congratulate him followed by the rest of the members. All of us are in a restaurant where my uncle reserve it for us only to celebrate Taetae's graduation.

"You did well Taehyung, I am very proud, no.. Beyond.. Beyond proud of you.. Not everyone can pull off like you did after... After a lot that had happened..." Uncle Jungmi hug him again Tae was glad to accept the hug.

"Thank you... That is all I have to give or to say... Thank you so much for everything... Especially for the overwhelming love from everyone. Its the love that make me want to pull through and make all of you proud of me. I have nothing else to offer..."

Tae start to sob, Kook was quick to pull him into a hug to calm him.

Gguk pull Tae softly to make Tae facing him still holding his hands

"Baby....you are a lot to offer but the only thing we need from you are your happiness. We want you to be happy, because we can't live without your boxy smile."

Tae smile in his tears after hearing a cute confession from Gguk.

Tae turn when Kook hold his other hand  and get down on one knee.

"Love.... We promise you... To always stay by your side, and make you happy and to make sure your big smile never leave your face because the day it left will darken our days. Love... You have been the sun that shine bright in my heart when I thought in this life I will never love anybody but then you come uninvited and settle my heart in peace."

Tae was confuse and surprise why did he had to be on his knees and then Gguk too follow the same action.

"Baby... We want to be with you forever, to love you and be love by you. Your love show me a way out to a better life and because of you my life now is nothing but pure happiness. Thank you for being you and for loving us."

Tae was touched and it is obvious when he cried more than before but still tried to smile.

"Love... Would you continue to love us and seal our bond with marriage?"

At this point Tae understand what's happening.

"Baby... Marry us? And be our one and only husband?"

He is a crying mess, the sobs are long gone. He turn to look at me and Joonie as if looking for approval and being the most loveable cool dad, Joonie give a small nod.

My bear...still in his tears give out a shy nod to his lovers and everyone was clapping and congratulating the trio.

Who knows the twin that I took care like my own brotber become my son in law.

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